2024-01-31 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


Present: Jay Alameda, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Shannon Bradley, Lisa Kaczmarczyk

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. EC Meeting Debrief

    1. 30 January 2024 EC Meeting

    2. Lavanya - confirm if Jeremy Fischer can come to meeting next week -  Jeremy@iu.edu - task below

    3. Lavanya - remind EC to review the RP document before next week’s meeting - task below

  2. Review Action Items

  3. Finalized EAB Report from 12/5/23 Meeting

    1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/19uwkd0Hjtg-88mMVMrfNzb7lsZhJC1n8

    2. PDF was included in NSF meeting on Monday: / https://drive.google.com/file/d/15TOikTjEp060zCGXgx5DmV0R-Opr90U2/view

    3. Will be reviewed in a future EC meeting

  4. ACO Quarterly Report review - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RevKCfpQ-Pnt0Q_O4oaI6FFaMFkSy_6AbEIkW2U1sSk/edit#heading=h.g1hnxxn8ema7

    1. Goal wrap up by Friday

    2. Make sure to get engagements in report as well -

  5. Spin-Down for CB&E for ACO

    1. email went out this morning

    2. working group will go into stasis until it is decided what happens next

    3. need to get the CB&E plan approved so we have a plan of record

    4. engagement tracker: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_EXKUOXmY-TVkDWaHR1-SuiKt404uGEnGSr6uQCkwzw/edit#gid=0

  6. Updates

    1. @Shawn Strande

    2. @Cindy Wong

      1. EAB attendance for meeting - 9 in person

    3. @Dina Meek

      1. What news do we have to promote in the external newsletter (week of 2/5)

        1. NAIRR - john, dave hart, chris keely

    4. @Kimberly Mann Bruch

    5. @Jay Alameda

    6. @Lavanya Podila

      1. Quarterly meeting

        1. agenda

        2. catering

        3. hotel rooms

      2. Shannon

        1. working on databases for confluence for reporting

        2. putting metrics in JIRA

      3. do we have a time set for the virtual meetings? target first of June and first of December to start looking at dates

Parking Lot


Next Meeting: 7th February 2024

Action Tracker:

@Lavanya Podila - confirm if Jeremy Fischer can come to the EC meeting next week -  Jeremy@iu.edu - Feb 2, 2024
@Lavanya Podila - remind EC to review the RP forum bylaws document before the next meeting - Feb 2, 2024
@Lavanya Podila - make sure to add discussing EAB Report from December Meeting to the next EC meeting - Feb 2, 2024
@Lavanya Podila - remove Lizanne from the project - Feb 2, 2024
@Lavanya Podila - start setting up 2 virtual meetings for June and December - Feb 7, 2024
@Cindy Wong - start setting up EAB meetings in alignment with the virtual meetings for the main group - we are not as tied to the same days since they are virtual - Feb 7, 2024

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