2024-08-21 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


Present: John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Cindy Wong, Shannon Bradley, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Amitava Majumdar

Parking Lot:

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. EC Meeting Debrief

    1. Question about “ACCESS Resources” group - are they a working group or a standing committee?

      1. Cindy says Shawn made a “what is a wg vs what is a sc” should we visit this again?

      2. Lavanya will find it and let us know: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JTE9xHH2rBAuBN7r844YaY-5Kyg5BTvZ/edit

      3. Should we bring this back to the EC to look at? @John Towns what do you think?

  2. Review Action Items

- Changes made to improve page

Shannon Add more columns to the “Your Jira Tasks” - done


  1. Updates

    1. @amit

      1. having access issues - Cindy and Lavanya are working on it

      2. meeting with John T in a few hours

      3. spinning up on meetings

      4. Onboarding

    2. @Cindy Wong

      1. 7/18 meeting report from Jing - within the next week or so (final vote from EAB on draft this week)

      2. EAB Charter v2: ACCESS EAB Charter - v2 draft

        1. ACO review deadline: Friday, Aug 23

          1. EC: deadline Tuesday, Sept. 3 (one week)

          2. EAB: deadline Monday, Sept. 16 (1.5 weeks)

          3. EC Final Vote: Sept 17 - remind them of the date of the vote (@John Towns , @Lavanya Podila or @Shannon Bradley )

      3. Fall EAB virtual meeting - narrowing down to two dates: (session will be recorded) - LettuceMeet - Easy Group Scheduling

        1. Monday, Oct. 21: 9am - 11am PT / 11am - 1pm CT / 12pm - 2pm ET - Sharon has to be at a conference

        2. Tuesday, Oct 1, will select 2 hours between the 3 hour timeframe listed: 8am - 11am PT / 10am - 1pm CT / 11am - 2pm ET - this may be better for Sharon

    3. @Kimberly Mann Bruch

      1. Brown Dwarf cluster article

    4. @Dina Meek

      1. SC24 ACCESS the Experts

        1. Invite someone from each persona to be an “expert” along w/PIs? - (discuss again at our next meeting)

          1. every year we do a day set aside with 5 PIs in the booth at specific times

          2. no formal presentation at the booth or anything

          3. more of an opportunity to also promote RPs

        2. how would we get a list of willing people? How would we organize this? (external from ACCESS)

          1. would need a call to see who people are who are going - where do you put the call out

            1. need to make sure people are already coming - no funding to support people to come

            2. Dina - possible use CCEP from support or some of the catering funds that we are not using

          2. how would you vet the person who volunteers? should they be recommended by team lead?

        3. Need to know what John thinks - how do you feel about adding those people in booth talks?

    5. @Lavanya Podila

      1. Cindy - please fill out the doodle poll - Lavanya added some more possible times

      2. Working on Agenda for Quarterly Meeting - Lisa will be at EC meeting next week

    6. @Shannon Bradley

      1. Request ACO review of the following:

        1. - need to review

        2. -

          1. Summary of Action Items for PY2 Panel questions: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACP/database/811466766 - need to review

          1. https://access-ci.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/ATT/list?filter=status%20IN%20(%22In-Progress%22%2C%20%22To%20Do%22)%20AND%20%22Category%5BCategory%5D%22%20%3D%20%2224Feb-QtrlyMtg%22&sortBy=duedate&direction=ASC - filtered to only show 2024 Feb Quarterly Mtg - need to review

        3. - not done yet


Next Meeting: 28th August 2024

Should we consider another ACO retreat - we could work on a lot of the things we need to do in our To Do list?


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