2024-04-10 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


Present: Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Shannon Bradley, Lisa Kaczmarczyk

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. EC Meeting Debrief

      1. we have a quarterly meeting virtual - the same week as review

  2. Review Action Items

  3. Discuss Annual Evaluation Report @Lisa

    1. Postponed until next week.

  4. Support’s Code of Conduct - Dina

    1. https://access-ci.org/code-of-conduct/

    2. When we were setting up the website - there was a lot of discussion about code of conduct

    3. Initially we used XSEDE and updated it for initial use

    4. Support created their own code of conduct that related directly to them

      1. theirs had a log in required before sending in an issue - this has been corrected

      2. they have taken the link from the Code of Conduct at the bottom of the website and changed it to theirs (without a notation that this is Support Code of Conduct and not the whole ACCESS)

    5. Should there be separate codes of conduct? We need to create a way to handle this

    6. This was discussed last year but there is no notation of what was decided -

  5. Quarterly meeting planning

    1. Shawn will pull together Agenda group to work on building out the agenda

  6. Updates

    1. @Shawn Strande

    2. @Cindy Wong

      1. will touch base with EAB for available about 1 on 1s

        1. guidance - the more the better but 100% of EAB is not needed to be present - have at least 1 of co-chairs at each 1 on 1

      2. will touch base with Jing at end of week if we haven't gotten the review report back

    3. @Dina Meek

      1. working on Annual Book

      2. Preparation for PEARC

      3. Waiting on input from SGX3 web review for additional updates to websites

    4. @Kimberly Mann Bruch

    5. @Lavanya Podila - absent

    6. @Shannon Bradley



Next Meeting: 17th April 2024

Action Tracker:

@Dina Meek - check in with web presence team - follow up on SGX3 progress - Apr 19, 2024
@Shawn Strande - follow up on duplicate code of conduct - Apr 19, 2024

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