2024-08-28 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


Present: John Towns, Chuck Pavlovski, Amitava Majumdar, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Cindy Wong, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley

Parking Lot:

Decisions made during the meeting:

Use Decision Macro


  1. EC Meeting Debrief

      1. Lisa reviewed her work for the September Quarterly Meeting

  2. Review Action Items

- calendar added - do we want to use this for tracking absences?

It also show Your specific Jira items


  1. Updates

    1. @John Towns

      1. Working on transition for Chuck and Amit

      2. Budget planning and changes related to this change

      3. Sub-award Amendment for updating Co-PIs

    2. @majumdar

      1. training

      2. spinning up on metrics

    3. @Chuck P

      1. training

    4. @Lavanya Podila

      1. Working with Comms team to prep for Tapia 2024

        1. STEP program printouts (done) + how grad students can be PIs

      2. Planning underway for the quarterly meeting right after this call

      3. Drafted request to add co-PIs - having issues getting into Research.gov

        1. can send John the draft and he will submit

      4. Working with purchasing for Google Workspace renewal request

    5. @Kimberly Mann Bruch

      1. absent

    6. @Dina Meek

      1. Newsletters go out this week and next

      2. Landing pages for the web should be ready for EC review by Sept. 6

      3. Four science stories submitted to the HPCWire Readers' Choice Awards

    7. @Cindy Wong

      1. 7/18 EAB meeting report - Chair waiting on members to approve the report. Hope to hear something in the coming days/next week.

      2. Fall EAB virtual meeting confirmed for Monday, Oct. 21: 9am - 11am PT / 11am - 1pm CT / 12pm - 2pm ET

        1. Meeting will be recorded.

        2. Wiki page and material folder created.

      3. EAB charter v2 will be sent to EC for review and comment this week (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tavS7IzeLXjge63FW4jIIqe7IMdDOU58m9l_hiYjrUs/edit)

      4. Attending TAPIA to support Lavanya and ACCESS

      5. RAC scheduled for October (headed up by Laura) - ACO is only involved if they have a topic to present

    8. @Shannon Bradley

      1. finished getting EC Milestones into JIRA

      2. - calendar added - do we want to use this for tracking absences?

      3. Working on June Quarterly Meeting To Do items - Onboarding notes are recorded

      4. Can we schedule a time to review these?

      5. Summary of Panel Response Items for Year 2 - review this one next week

February Quarterly Meeting Follow Up Items

Next Meeting: 4th September 2024



ACO Weekly Updates
