2024-03-06 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


Present: Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Shannon Bradley, Lisa Kaczmarczyk

Decisions made during the meeting:

Use Decision Macro


  1. EC Meeting Debrief

  2. Review notes from last meeting and bring forward any items that still need to be discussed

      1. follow up on RP forum - who is leading

      2. Comms and Web Standing Committee: Need Charter approved

  3. Annual Review Planning

    1. John will have a rough outline ready by tomorrow and share with the EC

    2. Lavanya to create an outline for the Annual reviews from last year’s review

    3. Questions to ask NSF on Monday

      1. Content about the annual review - should we highlight the work completed after the mid year review or should we cover the entire year?

      2. Shorter duration for the review?

      3. Annual review report, do we need to submit this by the end of March so the panel has this?

    4. Lavanya to create a schedule for the annual review report

    5. ACO to gather materials by 20th March

  4. Staff Recognition Program

    1. Ideas:

      1. Have a staff spotlight in INSIDE ACCESS

      2. During quarterly meetings, we can have some junior staff members present their work, about 30 to 45 mins

      3. Staff recognized by the EC during quarterly staff meetings

      4. Perhaps have a working group dedicated to this effort?

    2. Kim to discuss with Dina tomorrow

    3. Add this topic to next EC agenda

    4. Lavanya to create a 6 month schedule for the spotlights and then share with the EC as an informational item

  5. PEARC 24 Planning @Lavanya Podila

    1. Gold Tier = 5 complimentary registrations for $10,000

    2. Silver Tier = 4 complimentary registrations for $7500

    3. Gold Tier status confirmed for PEARC24. John to pay using his ICR account like last year.

    4. Lavanya to add this as an informational item to next EC meeting

  6. Review Action Items

  7. Updates

    1. @Shawn Strande

      1. Progress on first draft of PEP changes. Update: actively updating

    2. @Cindy Wong

    3. @Kimberly Mann Bruch

    4. @Lavanya Podila

      1. Subaward amendment request for NeurIPS, catering costs from December quarterly meeting and costs for DEI workshop submitted to SPA

      2. Sent feedback survey for the Feb quarterly meeting, will compile results and share with the ACO

      3. Sent calendar invites for next in person Quarterly Meeting

      4. Will work with Stephen to start planning some of the logistics



Next Meeting: 13th March 2024

Action Tracker:


@Lavanya Podila Submit RTP to secure ACCESS Booth for PEARC 24
@Lavanya Podila Add PEARC 24 spending as an informational item for next EC meeting
@John Towns will have a rough outline for common slides for the annual reviews and share with the EC Mar 8, 2024
@Lavanya Podila to create an outline for the Annual reviews from last year’s review
@Lavanya Podila to create a schedule for the annual review report and share with the ACO
@Lavanya Podila create a 6 month schedule for the Inside ACCESS spotlights and then share with the EC as an informational item
@Shannon Bradley to experiment with the free version of Trello as a tool to organize ACO tasks
@Lavanya Podila Add NSF-ACO agenda topic to identify ombudpersons
@Lavanya Podila Add EC agenda topic to continue discussions on staff recognitions
@Shawn Strande First pass at PEP


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