2022-06-28 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

2022-06-28 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


Track PIs

Track Members

ACO Members

Other Attendees

Track PIs

Track Members

ACO Members

Other Attendees

RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v)

RAMPS: Dave Hart

John Towns

Tom Gulbransen

MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v)

MATCH: John Goodhue, James Griffeon, Dave Hudak

Shawn Strande


CONECT: Amy Schuele (v)

CONECT: Winona Snapp-Childs, Derek Simmel

Ron Payne


MMS: Tom Furlani (v)

MMS: Joe White, Matt Jones, Abani Patra, Bob Deleon



(v) indicates a voting member


  1. Approval of 21 June 2022 Interim EC summary (5 min)

    1. Summary approved

  2. Informational Items (5 mins)

    1. RAMPS @Stephen Deems

      1. (With respect to sharing information with the community at PEARC) Track 1 is planning to broadcast information / links on the “Advance to ACCESS” page in lieu of an ACCESS web domain.

    2. MATCH @Shelley Knuth

      1. NTR

    3. CONNECT @Amy Schuele (Unlicensed)

      1. Data & Networking: DNS planning with an eye on IAM needs in the near term is underway.  We are discussing the concept of a DNS domain separate from the planned leased domain access.org. This non-leased operational service domain would not be susceptible to the risks associated with a domain owned by another entity. This needs further evaluation.

    4. MMS @Tom Furlani

      1. NTR

    5. OpenCI @John Towns

      1. Hoping to close on identifying person to take on Community Engagement and Development this week in wake of Tim needing to shift roles.

  3. 1 Sept. 2022 Critical Path @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. Entries need to be completed by EoD June 22

    2. Entries needed from RAMPS & MMS

    3. Gantt chart to be completed with content added and EC to review weekly during EC meeting.

  4. ACCESS Working Groups Management & Coordination (5 mins) @John Towns

    1. Working Groups Wiki Coordination page

  5. Slack Usage @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. Email will be the primary mode of communications

    2. Slack channels to be archived & removed: “access-ec”, “access-interim-ec”, “all-pis”

  6. ACCESS DNS & Domain (10 min) @Amy Schuele (Unlicensed)

    1. Amy: I understand there are concerns with the access.org domain for use with infrastructure (Kerberos, etc) given the lease arrangement and that we are still running teragrid.org - so these can be really long running infrastructure commitments.  I’d like to explore if we should revisit the domain for this project - or at least for the infrastructure component of the project.

    2. access.org lease would be for 10yr. access-ci.org is already secured for our use.

      1. access.org to be used for public facing

      2. access-ci.org to be used the IAM and other internal/programming purposes

  7. Discussion of XUP -> AMP Transition Plan @Shelley Knuth (15 Mins)

    1. 21-June EC Meeting: John T. asked that all Tracks review the Track 2 transition plan and 1) identify if they will provide one or more of the Track 2 needs and 2) add their own needs.

    2. Tracks asked to annotate the referenced doc to identify items that they will address within their own track, and issues with items as stated.

    3. SSO (via XSEDE) will not be a service ACCESS will continue. Communication to the community is needed ASAP as some institutions utilize this service.

    4. Post-31 August, XSEDE User Portal expected to be available to ACCESS for information/data, however, will not be available to the community.


  8. Requests for XSEDE to continue services beyond August 31, 2022 (10 minutes)

    1. John: Discussions with NSF RE: XSEDE operating services parts Aug 31, 2022: Specific requests are needed to assess. The story is not much different than related to you all last week. While I don’t want to have folks develop proposals as yet, I think I need to the following in order to get a response. The sooner I have this, the sooner I can get it to NSF for consideration. I need this for each service:

      1. XSEDE service you desire to have continued

      2. 1-2 sentence justification of need along with 1-2 sentence impact statement if not supported.

      3. duration of ongoing operation being requested

      4. estimated FTE effort

      5. estimated non-FTE costs

    2. Winona: Track 3 may be requesting an XSEDE service beyond 31 August

    3. Open XSEDE user tickets will not transitioned to ACCESS, these issues will need to be opened as new issues on the ACCESS system. This will need to be communicated to the community.

  9. Time permitting: EC Backlog Review: Update priority/indicate items for next EC meeting @John Towns



Action items (formally tracked in Jira)


Next EC Meeting: 5 July 2022


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