2022-06-14 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

2022-06-14 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


Track PIs

Track Members

ACO Members

Other Attendees

Track PIs

Track Members

ACO Members

Other Attendees

RAMPS: Shawn Brown (v)

RAMPS: Dave Hart, Laura Herriott

John Towns

Tom Gulbransen

MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v)

MATCH: John Goodhue, James Griffeon, Dave Hudak

Shawn Strande


CONECT: Amy Schuele (v)

CONECT: Alex Withers, Winona Snapp-Childs, JP Navarro

Lizanne DeStefano


MMS: Tom Furlani (v)

MMS: Joe White, Matt Jones, Abani Patra, Bob Deleon

Ron Payne


(v) indicates a voting member


  1. Informational Items (5 mins)

    1. RAMPS @Shawn Brown (Unlicensed)

      1. Nothing to report (NTR)

    2. MATCH @Shelley Knuth

      1. There are some pressing items that need to be resolved so that Track 2 (and other tracks) can move forward.  Largely this  is related to the user portal, but also includes the ticketing system.  I know this is being discussed tomorrow but wanted to convey the urgency of this conversation.

    3. CONNECT @Amy Schuele (Unlicensed)

      1. NTR

    4. MMS @Tom Furlani

      1. NTR

    5. OpenCI @John Towns

      1. During meeting in Chicago, the Interim EC decided to go with ACCESS.org as the primary domain name for the ACCESS web presence 

      2. Dina Meek is working to schedule a discussion on branding. 

      3. XSEDE has preliminary information from the 2022 Community Survey.  It would be a good thing to go over the results of the survey to inform ACCESS.

  2. Meeting Norms @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. Review of How We Run Meetings document

      1. No comments about information in doc

    2. Should we up the frequency of these meetings given the needs of the start-up phase?

      1. EC meetings to be moved to weekly until appropriate.

      2. EC meeting agendas to be sent to EC prior to meetings

  3. EC Charter / Code of Conduct @John Towns (20 mins)

    1. Review of Draft EC Charter with Draft Code of Conduct

    2. John to update the EC Charter based on discussion and comments in the document.

  4. 1 Sept. 2022 Critical Path @John Towns (10 mins)

    1. Major milestones to get to September 1, 2022 created for use by all tracks and ACO. Will need all ACCESS awardees to identify dependencies on other awardees in reaching production.

    2. Purpose of the document is to identify, document, and track activities/milestones that are required to complete/achieve prior to or on 1 Sept.  Specifically and especially activities/milestones that have interdependencies from other tracks.

      1. Tracks & ACO asked to add activities/milestones to the sheet by 22 June 2022.

  5. Working Groups @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. Forming working groups:  Email discussion indicates we should let these form organically.

      • Should we require notification to EC?  

      • How will we keep track of these working groups and their outputs?

      Suggestion: WGs are listed on a specific Wiki page along with charter, minutes, and other relevant references.

    2. Decision: Short charter (½ page) addressing:

      • Problem statement

      • Participants

      • Outcomes/output solutions

  6. Resolving issues for working groups that do not reach consensus @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. Several working groups are not coming to consensus on various topics.  How will we resolve these questions?

      Suggestion:  WG provides write up to the EC  that defines the issue and presents options being debated with pros/cons of each option.  These will then be considered by the EC for decision.  Write-ups must be submitted for EC discussion by COB Friday for discussion at Tuesday EC meeting.

    2. These need to be submitted to Ron and John by mid-day Friday for consideration at following Tuesday Interim EC meeting.

  7. Review of EC Backlog: Update priority & indicate items for next EC meeting @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. Nothing in EC Backlog to review

Action items (formally tracked in Jira)

@John Towns to update EC calendar meeting notice to reflect weekly meetings (DONE)
@John Towns to update the EC Charter based on discussion and comments in the document.
Tracks & ACO asked to add activities/milestones to the sheet by 22 June 2022. @Shawn Brown (Unlicensed)@Shelley Knuth@Amy Schuele (Unlicensed)@Tom Furlani@John Towns


Next EC Meeting: 21 June 2022


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