RP Forum Meeting - 2024-04-11
The agenda RP Forum meeting is:
MATCH Presentation - Alana Romanella (postponed/ need to reschedule)
ACCESS chat bot improvement discussion - Megan Oelgoetz
request help to develop chat bot. Initial request RPs create short list of questions that AI chat bot should be able to respond to, common questions. frequently asked questions, most important questions that chat bot should answer. (Question, received response, and optimized response) what is most important for people to know 1) question for testing (to address coverage, and build out confluence)
chat bot available on operation page to get to it.
Discussions: (Sergiu, Anita, Dhurv, James, Lia, Tom)
Content only (allowed) based on confluence page(ACCESS documentation), as workaround can create confuluence pages that hold content from other pages. asking if cider could be included
What question are currently asked? (what are people interested int. Megan, has logs of current activity/questions) ‘Ask CI’ uses afinity pages, chatbot does not have access to infinity pages Ask Julie Ma to provide ASK CI to avoid doing duplicate work.
Can we support effort with additional students? (need to have a continuity plan)
Does it make more sense to send list? Or just submit questions?
list of questions and curated? What is the growth ability, we can grow confluence. (example: Megan created a page with FAQ for gateways)
Outcome: Discussion to be continued.
Two prong approach to advance chat bot. 1) have RPs provide list of important questions and desired responses 2) have RPs exercise the chat bot provide feedback.
Send email to RPs to request folks to exercise chat bot and create list of questions for Megan
Megan to reach out to Julie Ma to see if overlap efforts can be capitilized on from ASK CI work.
ACCESS metrics discussion - Aaron Weeden
Intro: to address any ACCESS Metrics questions/concerns
Metrics ACCESS Team will attend forum calls, will be available for discussion.
plans for collecting metrics on NAIRR usage
Brief allocations update (Standing agenda item) - Rob or Nathan from Allocations
Newly deployed features: exchanges now automatically add pi, co-pi, and allocations managers
Notifications for expiring process, will get one notification for all resources, vs. 1 notification/resource.