Plenary: Thoughts from Day 1


  • Lead: @John Towns

  • All meeting attendees


  • Opening thoughts from Manish Parashar (NSF OAC Office Director)

    • NSF would like feedback as to how the ACCESS program is working.

    • Project Management oversight at the program level

      • ACO will fill that gap for some areas (e.g. change control, risk management)

      • Tom G will be focused in that area and looking closely at the track PEPs to assess that area.

        • NSF Project Management Improvement and Accountability Act

      • Track PIs have decided on the membership of the interim EC.

        • Draft charter will be used to create formal EC charter

        • External Advisory Board (EAB) charter will be reviewed and created to establish the EAB

        • Please notify John Towns or Ron Payne with topics for the EC to consider.

  • Thoughts from yesterday


 Action items (Owner)
