User Profiles


  • Lead: @Julie Ma

  • @David Hudak @David Hart @Mats Rynge @Shawn Brown (Unlicensed) @John-Paul Navarro @Tolbert, Nathan L @Shelley Knuth @James Griffioen


  • Where do user profiles live?

    • Where does a user access ACCESS? (i.e., they login to the XSEDE website now)

  • User Profiles Management

    • Collecting and maintaining user profile information and updates

  • Connecting authn/authz via ORCID ID, InCommon ID, with XSEDE ID.

    • Need to be able to get XSEDE ID back from this initial handshake

  • What is a “User Profile”

    • Operational central identity (Track 3)

    • Data collected as a result of the user taking action (Track 1, Track 4, RPs)

    • User Profile = Data provided by the user about themselves (Track 2)

  • Need to clarify what data we have for the users and define terms to use when talking about the data. There was some discussion about what the terms should be, but the types of data associated with users were agreed on (and there may be more).


Name (these names are up for debate)

Type of User Data

Where is the data?

Name (these names are up for debate)

Type of User Data

Where is the data?

Operational/Account Information

Basic information about the users:

User real name, User email, User phone number, User institution, etc

Track 3 and RP databases

Publication Information

Publications by the user

Track 2/3 DB?

Allocation Information

Resources that have been allocated to the user

Track 1 DB

Profile Information

User area/expertise


Tool Information

User tool configuration info

Track 2 OOD config in users unix account

Support Request Informaiton

User ticket information

Track ?

 Action items (Owner)
