ACO Coordination 1 of 2


  • Lead: Shawn Strande

  • John Towns, Shelley Knuth, Julie Ma, Leslie Froeschl, Tom Gulbranson, Winona Snapp-Childs, Laura Herriott, Stephen Deems, Dina Meek,


  • External Advisory Board Coordination & Optimization

    • Slides presented during session

    • Are Service Tracks planning external advisory group, e.g., User Advisory?

    • ACO is required to facilitate an ACCESS-wide EAB; what cross-track areas to focus on?

    • PEARC is an opportunity to let the community know we will have an EAB. The EAB Charter will likely not be complete/approved by then, but we could let folks know to look out for a call for nominations.

    • Do folks want to start looking at the draft EAB charter even though formal review and feedback won’t be for a while?

    • EAB members will be approved by EC.

    • The EAB competency matrix is meant to cover all competencies deemed important. Request is to send competency additions to be considered,

      • Tom G. suggested that marketing be added to the competency list.

    • The number of EAB members and duration will be determined via the EAB charter

    • Multiple tracks are looking to include an advisory board and there is a heavy overlap in competencies. There may be a way to have sub-committees for track specific.

      • Track 1 is interested in coordinating/tiering advisory boards (Representative: Laura Herriott)

      • Track 2 (user advisory committee?) (Representative: Shelley Knuth)

      • Track 3 will have security council comprised of representatives from each track and RPs

      • Track 4

      • ACO representative is Shawn Strande

    • Younger researchers (grad/post-grad students) should be represented in the EAB. Maybe add this as a competency in the matrix.

    • Tom G: Important mindset is inverting the mindset of “bringing people into ACCESS” to “embed ACCESS in communities”

    • Emerging communities/institutions should also be included in the competency list.

    • Stakeholder type should be included. e.g. industry, government labs, etc. should be represented

      • International participation would bring useful perspectives

    • The orientation of committee members is very important

      • XSEDE’s recorded program presentations (4 hrs) was very helpful to XAB, new staff, etc.

  • Community building and engagement contacts

    • Who will be the contacts from each track to participate in the community building and engagement coordination meetings?

 Action items (owner)

All tracks asked to send to Community building and engagement contacts to ACO
Shawn Strande to work with all group representative of all tracks to define/redefine the advisory board structure in a coordinated manner (Shawn Strande)
