ACCESS Branding


  • Lead: @Dina Meek

  • @Ron Payne @John Towns @Shawn Brown (Unlicensed) @Julie Ma @Shelley Knuth @Tom Gulbransen @David Hart @John-Paul Navarro @Abani Patra @Alan Chalker @Laura Herriott @Stephen Deems Cynthia Dillon, John Goodhue, Joe White, Ken Hackworth, Matt Jones, Bob DeLeon, Tom Furlani,


  • Need to identify Color palette, typography, photography, graphical elements, logo or wordmark

    • Will ACO maintain the stock photography license?

    • Would like to have the initial branding defined by July 15th. EC approval is required

    • PEARC’22 is July 10th, program will need a logo for use during PEARC sessions

  • Other Topics

    • A style guide is needed program-wide

    • Social media approach needs to be discussed (track independent or program-wide or combo) *EC discussion needed*

    • What is the path for resource provider communicating to the community through ACCESS?

      • ACO Comms team can provide the communication path for resource providers

    • Operational communications - communicate to users about operational information.

    • Curated Lists

      • Constant Contact can be used for lists and email templates

      • Would like to allow user to subscribe by topic

    • How will communications be used, assessed, evaluations by NSF at a track and program-level?

    • Tracks 2 & 3 has student relations communications that we need to coordinate.

    • Moved to EC: ACCESS Branding program vs tracks

    • Please make sure that any branding is ADA compliant and also keep in mind our obligations to reference NSF awards

 Action items (Owner)

Track 2 would like to work with ACO to use Constant Contact for email lists (Dina & Julie)
Define what is internal vs external (define stakeholder map)
Differentiate metrics program vs individual tracks
Define logistics of email usage and response routing
Social media approach needs to be discussed (track independent or program-wide or combo) *EC discussion needed*
Who maintains the stock photography licenses?
What are the specific questions that ACO Comms need to have responses from EC (Dina)
