2024-04-02 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart

  • MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Alana Romanella

  • CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl

  • MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White

  • OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley

  • NSF: Tom Gulbransen, Sharon Geva

  • Guest Speaker: NA

(v) indicates a voting member

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. Approval of summaries from prior EC meeting @John Towns (5 min)

    1. 2024-03-26 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

  2. Program Milestone Check @John Towns (5 mins)

  3. Website - (5 min) - Question from Sharon

    1. Is there a webpage that replaces this one which has been moved to archive?

      1. https://web.archive.org/web/20230308112855/https:/allocations.access-ci.org/resource-providers

    2. (Shannon) I believe this is it

      1. https://access-ci.org/resource-providers/

    3. needing link(s) to RP facing information

      1. https://operations.access-ci.org/pub/access-infrastructure-integration

      2. https://operations.access-ci.org/help

      3. https://operations.access-ci.org/pub/rpf

    4. If Sharon has a preferred one - let us know so we can track changes and keep her updated with changes

  4. Review shared slides @David Hart@Shawn Strande (15 mins)

    1. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fv9Yqx8R9gdKiDDJ4DUPldgyO23DvJhJ/edit#slide=id.p2

    2. has been trimmed way down and survey info has been integrated

    3. need input on highlights from all teams - slide 4

      1. bi directional communication/interaction with RP - highlights or put it under and More

    4. goals and metrics? is on slide 9

      1. what do colors mean? Dave implemented a scheme that is up for discussion as necessarily

        1. we should stay consistent - either color is performance or color is stylistic

      2. should we set a goal for ticket response time? discuss at some point

        1. possibly set a goal for closing tickets when they are completed - since some get closed later when people are reminded

      3. we might want to include - experience over past 12 month - people noted things got better (95% - continuous improvement)

        1. belongs under goal 3

    5. comment - looks nice and flow is great - thank you to Shawn and Dave

    6. we need to make sure that any items called out in orange - we have an answer to how we will be addressing

    7. which numbers can we impact?

    8. Read comments - should we add in bubbles? Possibly individual teams pull ones they like for their team

    9. What do we think about the 6 to 8% that are bad quotes? How are they included? Do we pull out how we will address?

    10. bottom of survey slide - show how many sent / # responded

    11. slide 17 - interest in research group - possibly should utilize and back this up

    12. have changes in by this Friday

    13. This deck should highlight program wide responses to survey results - how we are responding as a program

      1. as individual teams would address in their slides

  5. Community survey results @David Hart, @Shawn Strande, @Tom Furlani (10 mins)

    1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_oRJR3Xh_vFlN1i7inuQaDLHDwfFRLb5/view

  6. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. Allocations Stephen Deems

      1. if you need any data from them - please let them know

      2. 13 - 14 May - Allocations in person planning session - in Chicago

    2. MATCH Shelley Knuth

      1. reached out to RPs re: support specific opportunities - proposed 1 on 1 with each RP - what can we do to support the RP community better

      2. Team Meeting in Boston - Sept 10-11 target

    3. CONECT Tim Boerner - working on annual report

    4. MMS Tom Furlani - have a team member attending RP forum

      1. adding path usage data by end of summer

    5. OpenCI John Towns

      1. Quarterly Report on track to submit by Friday

      2. Plan to wrap up Communication SC, Web Presence SC and Profiles 2024 WG charters via email yet this week.

Misc Topics:

To Comms: ACCESS tagline: Dina is retiring “Advancing Innovation” from varied documents and displays. Given the publication cycle, the window to craft a new tagline seems near if a new one will be used for upcoming docs and appearances.

  • will need to brainstorm a new one soon

  • last time the Web Presence group brought forward suggestions - will need to talk to @Dina Meek

Parking Lot

  • analysis and deeper discussion of metrics - eval group will lead getting this discussed


Next EC Meeting: 9th April 2024

Action Tracker:

@Shawn Strande - analysis and deeper discussion of metrics - eval group will lead getting this discussed

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