2023-08-23 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Jay Alameda, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Shannon Bradley


  1. Debrief on EC Meeting @John Towns

    1. Coordinated response to annual reviews - almost ready to go out

    2. Program Wide Goals - will be part of November review

  2. Review Action Items @John Towns

  3. Finalize Agenda for ACO Retreat - @Lavanya Podila

    1. Ideas - https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AX8MHRI7O1EVFCYN-ruul9QYXvbaLVaVtp-qd8pAnk0/edit*gid=0__;Iw!!DZ3fjg!_ebikJH4bZrA6H40F4TJyzQLLsGPRGx_hRJP1fwfnMoFSiWtOIl0YhDRRPBpnwz8bVJLxlhjhNx70IcKV9RkqmQO$

  4. Cognizant Program Officer - observations by Tom of the series review

    1. @John Towns report after review and suggest some items

  5. EAB meeting - during Virtual Meeting in Sept - last two hours of second day? - need to decide

  6. Updates

    1. EAB Updates @Shawn Strande

      1. there has been a suggestion abut adding a couple more RPs to the EAB? will discuss

    2. Communications Update@Dina Meek

      1. Newsletters

        1. Want to ensure there is budget to replace Hannah Naughton - @John Towns please review and see about replacing

        2. Need ACO updates for newsletters by this Friday:  https://ncsa.typeform.com/to/JIjewSVR

        3. People can give info to Dina - but she doesn’t want to be the only person deciding what should be shared from the ACO

      2. Boilerplate language for ai.gov site - has XSEDE and this needs updated

        1. John or Dina will follow up

        2. Dina gave Boilerplate info on ACCESS to use as starting point

      3. HPCWire Awards

        1. we have 6 that ACO is submitting - based on science stories

      4. Contact Form emails - acknowledging Meggie’s work

        1. we ran into an issue with form on ACO site (some inquires for allocations were going through) - but it has been resolved by lots of individualized work by Meg

      5. Newsletters - got over 100 contacts for our newsletter from PEARC

    3. Community Engagement Update@Jay Alameda

      1. New draft of plan: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1avwEny0HmH_2K2_D8Xmsh3qyT-PhVy5yCCf3mad6dBA/edit

      2. please provide feedback

    4. Project Office @Lavanya Podila

      1. retreat planning - see below

      2. Lavanya tracking SubAward to SDSC and closing Georgia Tech

      3. Working to upgrade Slack

      4. Working with Comms team to plan for SC 23

      5. sent out request for topics for Quarterly meeting Sept

    5. DEI

      1. ask ACO if anyone wants to be part of the Standing Committee

      2. Jay volunteers - Cindy could be alternate

      3. Dina will help with creating mission

        1. there is verbiage in proposal and code of conduct

      4. https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1HwrrcVOBOtvCwBmgtbZycMS7yG_fybS1?ths=true - sample of language to use on various things

Misc Topics

Reference - ACO Action Tracker

Next Meeting: 30th August 2023


Suggested Retreat Topics
