2022-04-27 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: John Towns, Shawn Strande, Tim Boerner, Ron Payne, Cynthia Dillon, Dina Meek

  • Absent:  Lizanne DeStefano


  • Updates from meetings/discussions with Track PIs (John)

    • All ACCESS web meeting: May 13, 2022

      • Each of the teams presenting their plans to one another.  Agenda to be determined, but this should allow a program-wide baseline to be set.

    • All ACCESS in person Meeting: May 23-24, 2022 in Chicago

      • This will allow for plenary and breakout discussions to both align plans and build teams across the awards that need to work together on various things. 

    • Coordinating on PEPs

    • PEARC22:  Will do a 90 minutes session over lunch on Tue or Wed;  Plenary presentation and panel on Thu.  

    • Web presence:  The Track 2 folks already seem to have something up.  It was agreed we need to discuss this soon to coordinate how this will look overall and how content will be collectively managed.  All agreed that content in their area needs to be maintained by them, but also that similar look and feel will be important.

      • Need to engage on this ASAP

  • Staffing:  What is status of staffing budgeted vs staffing available

    • NCSA: 

      • John, Ron, Dina, Tim - Ron to document the ramp-up plan

      • PM support - Ron working PM identification and ramp-up plan

      • Communications staff - Ron to work w/Dina on ramp-up plan

    • SDSC

      • Shawn, Cynthia

      • Program Support Specialist (Cindy Wong)

      • External evaluator (Lisa Kaczmarczyk)

        • Related: When to engage?

    • GaTech

      • Lizanne

  • Collaboration Portal:  What do we need to be getting completed?

    • Wiki?

    • Jira?

    • GSuite shared drive?

    • Slack instance?

    • Change management process and support

    • Risk management process and support

    • IDEALS Community

  • Establishing sub-awards:  status?

  • Deliverables due 31 July 2022:

    • Establish an ACCESS web presence 

    • Develop and approve charter for the ACCESS Executive Council

    • Develop and approve charter for the ACCESS External Advisory Board

    • Confirm EAB membership and schedule the first meeting to occur prior to or during October 2022

    • Establish collaborative plans for ACCESS Communications and Outreach

    • Establish collaborative plans for ACCESS Community Building efforts

    • Establish an ACCESS program-wide risk-management process

    • Establish an ACCESS program-wide change-management process

    • Submit the OpenCI Project Execution Plan to NSF

    • Establish the OpenCI Collaboration Portal and tools

    • Establish an OpenCI Performance Management Plan

    • Evaluation plan, coordinated timeline and revised metrics

    • Quarterly OpenCI Interim Project Reports submitted to NSF

    • Quarterly review of ACCESS ecosystem risks across all Service Tracks and OpenCI

  • Groups requesting Letters of Collaboration from ACCESS

Action items (formally tracked in Jira)


Next Meeting: 4 May 2022