Data & Networking - 2 of 2


  • Lead: Dave Wheeler

  • @David Wheeler @Tim Boerner @Tolbert, Nathan L @Andrew Pasquale @Kathy Benninger @Ronald Lee Liming @Bill Barth @Vikram Gazula @Greg Dean @ryanrath @Leslie Froeschl @Derek Simmel @David Hudak @James Griffioen @Winona Snapp-Childs



  • Operational Services

    • DNS

    • Globus

    • PerfSONAR toolkit

    • Maddash matrix of connectivity

    • Metrics collection

    • I2 metrics approval

    • Data collection

  • Transition of XSEDE RPs to ACCESS

  • Onboarding new RPs to ACCESS

 Action items (Owner)

Draft communications to RPs for elements needed to transition to ACCESS – facilitated through Open-CI?
