2025-01-07 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

2025-01-07 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart

  • MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Alana Romanella, Jim Griff

  • CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl

  • MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White

  • RP: Jeremy Fischer (v)

  • EAB: Chuck Pavlovski

  • OpenCI: John Towns (v), Amit Majumdar , Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley

  • NSF: Sharon Geva, Puri Bangalore

  • Guest Speaker:

(v) indicates a voting member






















Stephen Deems





















David Hart





















Shelley Knuth





















Alana Romanella
Jim Griffioen





















Tim Boerner





















Tom Furlani





















Joe White





















Jeremy Fischer





















John Towns





















Chuck Pavlovski





















Amit Majumdar





















Leslie Froeschl





















Lavanya Podilla





















Lisa Kaczmarczyk





















Shannon Bradley





















Sharon Geva





















Puri Bangalore





















Decisions made during the meeting:

Use Decision Macro - Tool (under Insert Elements in the tool bar)

Parking Lot



Stephen Deems assumes the reins as EC Chair

  1. Approval of summaries from prior EC meeting @Stephen Deems (5 mins)

    1. 2024-12-17 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

    2. #3 Consolidated Review Comments - these are done - John / ACO has an action item to pull action items out of it and place them in JIRA

    3. approved

  2. EC Agenda, Goals and Milestones @Stephen Deems (20 mins)

    1. Introduction to new Chair Goals

    2. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YbSAHVErer3mZ37er48aZnJgoXcDI0CZum83wT33Ufo/edit#slide=id.p1

    3. image-20250107-191529.png



      Upcoming Topics - what will ACCESS do in PY4?
      Should the EC have goals?


    4. From Chuck - this might be good to include in some form as part of the EAB on-boarding

    5. John - should we look at creating some kind of Org Chart (showing people) or Org Structure (showing process/info flow)

      1. Stephen - we could use this to see if we are organized the right way

    6. Stephen - should we have a single PEP plan? Or at least thinking more that way?

    7. Tom F - ACCESS wide milestones would be useful - how can EC move ACCESS move forward - milestones would be nice to do that

    8. James G - How do you collect those priorities? We need to know what the community’s goals are as well as future thinking to help community see things they don’t know about yet

    9. Stephen - when we set priorities - some may come out of individual awards as a focus for a time period

      1. if we have our individual priorities - we could still have ACCESS wide ones that won’t leave a team behind

    10. Amit - WGs and how they work across awards and toward common goals - this is important and is working well to keep things from originating just from one team

    11. Stephen - Prioritization - how can we take track goals and translate them down to what tracks and groups could distill down and focus on

    12. John - we have never been able to nail down specific priorities - how do we do that?

      1. Stephen - if we start at a team level that is a start but we need all tracks to commit to goals then we can then narrow down

      2. Dave - opportunity is timely and we will be looking at PY4 plans soon - we should ID collective priorities to target

    13. John - talk about all suggestions and suggest a short list which could inform PY4 plans

    14. Amit - what about program wide metrics?

      1. John - yes in a way - we have not set program wide priorities in terms of goals - prioritization has been happening in our own areas and not program wide - there are only a few we can do and have the capacity to work on

    15. Stephen - we need to have internal facing and external facing information


  3. ACCESS Annual Surveys @David Hart (5 mins)

    1. ACCESS Staff Survey will be distributed to staff very soon. (this week or next)

    2. ACCESS Community Survey feedback deadline is tomorrow (Jan. 8)

    3. Resource Provider Survey draft to be shared soon.

  4. Preparation for EAB Orientation @Chuck P (10 mins)

    1. Doodle Poll: https://doodle.com/meeting/organize/id/e7YOABjb

    2. Determine what day we can get all 6 EC members to help with onboarding pre-recorded presentations

      1. make it available to review panels so they can see the whole picture even if they are only reviewing 1 track

    3. 8 have accepted - 1 is still outstanding

    4. Stephen - will there be a bit from each of the teams to say what they are doing? or do you want it a consolidated overview?

    5. Chuck - presentation re role in each track team - when meet in March they can ask for more detail

      1. Stephen - maybe aim for comprehensive view like the combined presentation we did for annual review

    6. Chuck/Cindy - provide an outline for EC to add slides to - an outline for each of the sections so people can be consistent in how they present each section

  5. EC Program Milestones @Stephen Deems (5 mins)

    1. Shannon - make subtasks for items in Review feedback on web presence from SGX3 study and other sources to  prioritize updates for Plan Year 4 and PY5

  1. Meetings To Do Follow Ups


  1. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. RP Forum @Jeremy Fischer

    2. Allocations Stephen Deems

      1. New ACCESS Resources page is now in production!: https://allocations.access-ci.org/resources

        1. Thanks to all who have helped push this forward and make it a reality; still some work to do in terms of development and updates from RPs.

      2. Four On-Ramps live in the wild:

        1. RMACC: https://rmacc.org/accesson-ramps

        2. Illinois Compute: https://computes.illinois.edu/resources/accesson-ramps/

        3. Baylor: https://its.web.baylor.edu/nsf-access-program

        4. Jackson State: NSF ACCESS Resources

    3. MATCH Shelley Knuth/Alana

    4. CONECT Tim Boerner/Leslie

    5. MMS Tom Furlani

      1. Hired a new member of the software development team for MMS.. Rose Tovar, will tentatively start Feb 4th.

      2. Need to settle on a date for the fall in person Quarterly meeting as soon as possible - bring to next meeting

        1. circulate to wider teams before selecting

    6. EAB @Chuck P

      1. Need to reach out after to elected nominees for acceptance, notify other candidates and get the ACCESS onboarding meeting set up along with the first EAB meeting coordination.

      2. Please fill out doodle poll

    7. OpenCI John Towns

      1. already covered

    8. NSF Sharon and Puri

      1. We should be preparing for the Quarterly meeting and for PEARC (including may be adding an ACCESS Users Group Meeting)

        1. Comms has already started working on this - Comms will probably be back at one of our meetings in January

        2. Dina and Stephen will talk about this in an upcoming meeting

Misc Topics:


Next EC Meeting:

  • January 14, 2025



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