Resource Providers - 2

Resource Providers - 2


Where can I find infrastructure descriptions and status information?

The best place for Resource Providers to view infrastructure details and statuses is on the Active Resources page where you can also link to documentation, training and information about metrics. Here are other links you might find helpful.
CyberInfrastructure Description Repository (CiDER)
Information Publishing Framework (IPF)
Software Discovery
Publish infrastructure news and outages


Where can I find RP training and documentation?

Attend events and trainings
Get documentation
Explore the Knowledge Base


Are there collaborative development tools I can use?

ACCESS uses Github to store and share information of interest to Resource Providers.
Source code repository
Get ReadTheDocs
Use toolkits


What support is available for RPs?

ACCESS employs a robust ticketing system to identify and address issues discovered by RPs as well as other staff members and the ACCESS community. You can also work with Concierge Integration Experts for support on integrating new resources.
Ticket system
Concierge Integration Experts (CIE)


How do RPs monitor and manage their infrastructure?

The program utilizes various tools to manage the numerous aspects of Resource Provider integration and operation.

Service index
Usage tracking (required for NSF supported infrastructure)


How can RPs get involved in the ACCESS community?

There are many ways for RPs to get involved in ACCESS – as a reviewer, moderator, beta tester, mentor, and more.

RPs can also join the RP Forum – an open forum of discussion topics of interest to the RP community and the formal communication channel between RP members and the ACCESS project.

Join the Resource Provider forum
Get Involved


You can find even more answers to popular questions on our Resource Providers FAQ page.

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