ACCESS Resource Provider Communication - August 31, 2022

ACCESS Resource Provider Communication - August 31, 2022

We have made it to the finish line for XSEDE and the starting line for ACCESS! Note that we will soon be migrating to new ACCESS email lists, but for the short term we will continue to use the XSEDE SP email lists for communications amongst these groups.

ACCESS Ticketing System is Live!

The ACCESS ticketing system is live: http://tickets.access-ci.org   Please use your ACCESS credentials to log in. 

Starting September 1, 2022, new tickets will be generated through the ACCESS ticketing webform: https://support.access-ci.org/open-a-ticket

Request for updated contact information

If you haven’t responded to the email request for contact information for an ACCESS technical integration coordinator, please do so as soon as possible. This individual will coordinate with ACCESS about all technical integration activities, post resource outage information, maintain resource descriptions in RDR, and identify your user support specialists. Please respond to this email so that we can make progress with the ACCESS integration process. 

Join the ACCESS Resource Provider Slack Space! 

We have established a new Slack space for ease of communications between RPs and staff from across the ACCESS tracks. Please join this space by clicking :https://join.slack.com/t/rpaccesscommu-wyz4369/shared_invite/zt-1eph1a7za-gFDx9V9FPT0cLMIDihIBIg

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