ACCESS Resource Provider Communication - July 20, 2022

ACCESS Resource Provider Communication - July 20, 2022

July 20, 2022

SUBJECT: Important information for ACCESS Resource Providers

Please forward to resource provider (RP) staff that need to know this information. Please note that in ACCESS, we will use the term “resource provider” (RP) instead of “service provider.”  

XSEDE SSO Hub and SSH to RP resources

As mentioned previously, the XSEDE SSO HUB (login.xsede.org) will be retired when XSEDE ends on August 31, 2022. This means that users of RP systems who currently login to RP login hosts via the XSEDE SSOHub will need to do so directly to RP login hosts via other ssh methods instead. ACCESS will work with RPs to implement alternate ssh login methods.ACTION FOR EXISTING RESOURCE PROVIDERS UTILIZING THE XSEDE SSO HUB: 

By August 1, 2022: Please email links to your RP site documentation for ssh access to help@xsede.org with the subject “How to SSH directly to ACCESS <resource_name>” so that ACCESS can help direct customers accordingly. And thank you to those who have already done this! 

Ticketing Transition Draft Plan

  • To assist with the transition from XSEDE to ACCESS, a limited number of ACCESS queues are now available in XSEDE Request Tracker (RT) ticketing system. If you are submitting an ACCESS-related question to help@xsede.org, please be sure to include “ACCESS” in the subject line of your email. 

  • Tickets in XSEDE queues will be closed prior to 9/1/22

  • Tickets in Resource Provider queues will be maintained past 9/1/22 (see diagram below for overview)

  • After 9/1/22, emails to help@xsede.org will receive an auto-reply with instructions on how to submit a helpdesk ticket to ACCESS


For any other questions or feedback, please email help@xsede.org with a subject line “ACCESS Feedback.” 

Join the ACCESS Allocation Review Committee

ACCESS invites you to join the ACCESS Allocation Review Committee (AARC). Serving as an AARC member is a great opportunity to provide a valuable service to ACCESS, the NSF, and the national research community. You will participate in merit reviews of ACCESS allocation requests that meet the highest thresholds. In the process, you will broaden and deepen your network interacting with colleagues, ACCESS staff, and staff from the various resource providers. You'll gain insight into the allocations process and how to craft your own successful requests. Plus, if chosen as a reviewer, you will receive an honorarium for your participation!

To learn more or volunteer for this rewarding service on the AARC, please complete our feedback form: ACCESS Allocation Services Feedback

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