ACCESS Resource Provider Communication - August 3, 2022

ACCESS Resource Provider Communication - August 3, 2022

I am sending this on behalf of the ACCESS Track 3/CONECT/Operations team. For the short term, we are going to use the sp-forum and sp-software email lists to communicate with you about important transition information you’ll need to successfully integrate into the ACCESS ecosystem. This email includes important information and actions. Please forward this message to any resource provider (RP) staff that may not be on these email lists but need to know this information. Please note that in ACCESS, we will use the term “resource provider” (RP) instead of “service provider.” We plan to send out a weekly communication with pertinent information, so please be on the lookout for those weekly emails! 

Join the ACCESS Resource Provider Slack Space! 

We have established a new Slack space for ease of communications between RPs and staff from across the ACCESS tracks. Please join this space by clicking: https://join.slack.com/t/slack-vfd7173/shared_invite/zt-1dl2y5qj6-aP20gjyxwGTGIF3w3aZzeg.  

(Recording Available) ACCESS Resource Provider Allocations Meeting

Thanks to all of the Resource Providers who were able to attend last week’s Allocations Meeting with the ACCESS Allocations team. 

For those who were not able to make the call, a recording of the presentation and a copy of the chat surrounding the presentation can be viewed here

ACCESS Allocations continues to welcome input through their feedback form

Integrating Allocated Resources with ACCESS

On August 1, 2022 ACCESS released to resource providers (RPs) instructions for becoming “ACCESS-Allocated Production Compute/Storage/Cloud” by September 1, 2022. RPs with questions or needed assistance may:

For any other questions or feedback, please email help@xsede.org with a subject line “ACCESS Feedback.” 

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