Dec 2024 (Virtual) ACCESS Quarterly Meeting
Due to limited agenda topics from the service teams coupled with preparations for the Supercomputing Conference followed by Thanksgiving break, the EC has decided to not hold a two day ACCESS Quarterly Meeting, but instead have a single two hour session on What’s everyone developing at 11:00 EST on Tuesday December 10.
Meeting Materials
Google Folder to store presentations: ACCESS "What's everyone developing" Dec 2024 - Google Drive
Please contact @Lavanya Podila or @Cindy Wong to setup a applications setup and testing, prior to the quarterly meeting.
You may only connect with an external microphone (puck, headset, microphone and speaker combo, earbuds etc.). Internal laptop microphones are discouraged, as they cause echo during calls and at times disable the call entirely. You may be asked to leave the web version if you join via an internal microphone; you may instead join via a telephone or cell phone. Please make arrangements to ensure you have an external microphone.
Attendees: The ACCESS quarterly meeting will be attended by EC and leaders of each of the service teams
ACCESS Quarterly Meeting Action Items and Decision Recording: All action items and decisions made during the quarterly meeting will be captured here.
Shared Drive to store presentations/relevant documentation: ACCESS "What's everyone developing" Dec 2024 - Google Drive
Attendee List:
Contact Lavanya Podila with any questions.