PY3 Comms Plan

Executive Summary 

The ACCESS communications plan is designed to foster a cohesive and impactful brand-messaging experience across internal and external channels. Developed by representatives from each ACCESS team, the plan presents a concise summary of ACCESS products, contributors and messaging to resonate with and empower ACCESS-funded team members and our ecosystem’s stakeholders.


Collaboration is the focus of the communication strategy. By leveraging cross-team and cross-program collaboration, we seek to maximize the impact of our collective achievements and discoveries. By amplifying the work of our staff, working groups, Resource Providers, related programs and end-user communities, we are building a framework that thrives with input from many vantage points and fosters a place for the dynamic exchange of information, ideas and feedback.


By providing the necessary tools and support, this plan aims to empower staff who can be regular contributors and ambassadors to effectively communicate the value and significance of the work within ACCESS to our wider communities.


This plan aims to represent and unify our messaging, amplify our collective impact, and establish strong communication pathways. By interfacing with related ACCESS Working Groups (WG) and Standing Committees (SC) (DEI, Web Presence, Broadening Participation, Personas, etc.), we are well-positioned to adapt our tactics to enhance our visibility, better engage our stakeholders and contribute meaningfully to the interests of broader research and educational communities.  It is important to note that, like any communication plan, its success is also dependent on an engaged and motivated community of stakeholders; without that, no communication plan can be as impactful as desired.


In this plan you will find:


Background Information


The National Science Foundation’s ACCESS (Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services & Support) program builds upon decades of investment in cyberinfrastructure and expands the ecosystem with capabilities for new modes of research while further democratizing participation. Five teams are currently funded, with one expected to be awarded in the first calendar quarter of 2024:

  • Allocations – provides U.S.-based researchers and educators access to cyberinfrastructure (CI) resources made possible by NSF for a wide array of computational and data-intensive related work. Multiple points of entry allow novice researchers easy access to systems as well as provide an opportunity for more experienced investigators to request the amount of resources required for their research needs. 

  • Support – provides a suite of self-service tools to serve an ever-increasing diverse research and education community to encourage broad participation. The team provides a tiered model for support to ease entry for researchers, leverage crowd-sources resources and training and provide rich networking opportunities through the CCEP and MatchPlus/Premier programs.  

  • Operations – enables ACCESS resource providers (RPs), ACCESS projects and developers to seamlessly integrate and operate infrastructure into an expansive ecosystem. They provide cybersecurity, networking and data transfer capabilities, as well as operational support to the ACCESS project, RPs and community services. Student training and engagement programs provide an inclusive environment for undergraduates or early-career graduate students to explore careers in cyberinfrastructure. 

  • Metrics – illuminates monitoring and measurement of the cyberinfrastructure resources available within the ecosystem. Their product, XDMoD, with its data analytics framework, makes these metrics readily available. Data such as allocations information, compute usage, and job efficiency analytics provide diverse stakeholders with insight at the national, campus, lab, classroom or individual application level. Most importantly, it provides researchers with the tools to maximize the utilization of their allocation to best enable their research. 

  • ACCESS Coordination Office (ACO) – provides coordination, support services and staffing for top-level coordination and communications guidance and execution among the ACCESS awardees and the public. Inter-awardee governance, coordination of an external advisory board to the ACCESS awardees, maintenance of the top-level ACCESS website, and coordinated community-building activities are among the team’s top priorities.

  • Cyberinfrastructure Technology Acceleration Pathway (service name tbd)  – CITAP (Award anticipated in 2024) is focused on the translation of innovative research CI software such as system software, libraries, application codes and software-enabling data services. 

ACCESS is an ecosystem that relies on contributions from a wide range of vital processes and components to serve diverse teams working on complex research and education challenges and to ultimately democratize access to CI resources, services and expertise. This ecosystem is ever-evolving and transforming with new initiatives and groups participating. 


May 1, 2024 –  April 30, 2025


This plan is reviewed on a quarterly basis by the working group leads and with additional input from awardees, working groups and the ACCESS Executive Council (EC). 



The ACCESS Program-wide Goals serve as guiding principles to the communications messaging:

  • Drive innovation in ACCESS to enhance research productivity and to enable new areas and methods of research and education

    • Objective: identify and amplify efforts in novel research and education disciplines

  • Facilitate the discovery, access and use of available CI resources and services

    • Objective: strategically disseminate availability of ACCESS to diverse communities and domains

  • Provide excellent support

    • Objective: provide timely response to feedback provided by audiences and incorporate – as applicable – to ongoing communications efforts 

  • Extend the use of resources and services available via ACCESS to underrepresented communities, under-resourced institutions and non-traditional domains

    • Objective: collaborate with WGs to determine needs and provide support including highlighting news of science by such groups enabled by ACCESS

  • Improve and advance the ACCESS program

    • Objective: consistently listening to and engaging with stakeholders to consider needs in developing strategic communications


The ACCESS Communications team is a collective representing all awardees; it is facilitated by a leader from the ACCESS Coordination Office (ACO) and supported by the program’s Executive Council. Our communications goal is to collectively seek opportunities to build bi-directional communications pathways with ACCESS teams, working groups, resource providers, related programs, and the broader research and educational community. The ACO has set and monitors specific metrics such as media hits to our website, social media impressions, etc. (see “Metrics” below) as part of its quarterly reporting to the NSF. We also utilize feedback from surveys to guide our endeavors. To be successful, it requires an engaged, proactive community of stakeholders.


Overall Objectives

  • Be the primary interface to the broader community, providing a focal point for the flow of internal and public-facing information between ACCESS teams and the research and education community

  • Project a coherent ecosystem of resources and services to the community aligned with the NSF Office of Advanced Computing’s programmatic missions.

  • Facilitate the development (with direction from the EC) and production of annual community reports highlighting ACCESS-supported research activities, progress of the Service Teams over the preceding year, plans for the Service Teams going forward and other milestones 


  • Segment PI video for short social media clips and work into our social media plan

  • Review feedback on web presence from SGX3 study and strategize updates for Plan Year 3, PY4 and PY5

  • Update Inside ACCESS and The ACCESS Advance newsletters to reflect survey feedback

  • Produce and distribute communications satisfaction survey mid-year (October 2024)

  • Define which campaign(s) should be developed for this year to specifically achieve program goals (e.g., targeting underserved groups or promoting greater use of XDMoD) based on feedback from Working Groups

  • Mine our mailing lists for any data it can yield about our subscribers

  • Develop new tagline and implement where appropriate

  • Finalize update to ACCESS logos to incorporate NSF logo

  • Produce two monthly newsletters – one for internal audiences and the other for external

  • Produce a minimum of one story per week for the ACCESS website

  • Develop and follow a social media plan for promoting ACCESS including a regular posting schedule 

  • Oversee and provide support for PEARC, SC and other events staff may attend


  • ACCESS Staff

  • Computational Researchers of all experience levels

  • Class Instructors of all experience levels

  • Graduate Students

  • Resource Providers (RPs) and Potential RPs

  • Community Programs and Organizations

  • General Public

The above audiences follow the Personas defined by that Working Group. Key Messaging for the above audiences is described in a later section of this plan


What does success look like?

In support of our program goals:

  • Appropriate media hits on web stories (understanding some of our “stories” will simply be summaries pointing to a more full story on a partner website –  such as SDSC, PSC, etc.) We will develop these metrics over time

  • Robust Social Media engagement 

    • Our base KPI is 10,000 engagements/month collectively among Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn, with a target of 2% growth quarter over quarter 

  • Average to above-average open rates and CTRs on emails and newsletters 

    • Industry average open rate = 35%

    • Industry average click-through-rate = 6%

  • Positive feedback from a survey of internal and external newsletter audiences showing they are finding the content we publish engaging. The annual community survey, with its questions regarding end-user knowledge of ACCESS resources and services,  will also provide an indirect indication of the effectiveness of the communication plan.

Quarterly metrics can be accessed by contacting


Contacts and Resources



Dina Meek,
Kim Mann Bruch, (

Andrew Helregel,

Megan Janeski,

Cindy Wong,

Megan Johnson,

Shira Feldman,

Karen Green, (Newsletter Editor)


(include campus partners and industry partners)

Allocations –  Stephen Deems ( )

Support –  Alana Romanella ( )

Operations- Leslie Froeschl ( )

Metrics –  Tom Furlani  ( )

NSF –, Fernanda Pemberton (Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Comms)

Comms leads from Resource Providers (TBD)


Working Group representatives interface with the Communications team to provide updates on current initiatives, messaging and priorities to amplify through various communications channels. Each lead is provided with the communications tools and mechanisms available to amplify group efforts and increase bi-directional engagement with the Communications team. Input from these groups is critical to keep up with the evolving ecosystem to which ACCESS serves and will be sought on a regular basis.


As ACCESS reaches a more mature state, including the definition of our program goals and personas we’re trying to reach, it’s time now for us to plan more targeted communications. We’ll also incorporate the feedback we’ve received from newsletter surveys, a website usability survey and any other vetted feedback we’ve received over the past year on how to make our communications more impactful.



The following audiences are defined by the five personas determined by the ACCESS Personas Working Group:



Key messages

ACCESS Working Groups

& ACCESS Staff


  • Various mechanisms for internal and external communication are available for working groups to leverage.

  • The communications team values and relies on the input of various working groups and staff members to better refine messaging for respective audiences.

  • The communications team is here to support you in your endeavors and can provide tools to help with your specific communications.

  • There are other programs or initiatives that could be helpful to your work.

  • ACCESS is working hard to coordinate among the various service teams and working groups, and relies on all staff to achieve the success we strive for.

Desired Actions: Provide regular updates to communications teams on messaging and campaigns; link the communications team with other related programs; provide feedback on how to better our overall communications strategy; use our materials request form to help you represent the program at events.

Collaboration & Content Considerations: Each ACCESS staff member and Standing Committee/Working Group is encouraged to provide suggestions for how this communication plan and corresponding tools might better suit their unique needs. 

Computational Researchers

(all experience levels)

  • ACCESS serves all research and educational domains at U.S.-based institutions and is free of cost. 

    • It’s a place for researchers and educators at all levels of experience. 

  • Graduate students can lead allocation requests for dissertation-related work.

  • Getting started is easy.

  • ACCESS has a rich fabric of collaborators to amplify initiatives and messages from related programming. 

  • Support tools (Affinity Groups, Knowledge Base, Events, News) are great ways to engage with the community and share information.

  • Computational Science Support Network Community Engagement Program (CCEP) travel awards are available in exchange for community contributions. 

  • Open XDMoD allows academic and industrial data centers to monitor usage and performance of their local infrastructure, and provides campus leaders and research facilitators with insights regarding ACCESS resource users on their campus(es). ACCESS XDMoD can be used by computational scientists to help other researchers improve their overall job throughput on ACCESS resources as well as for improving their own use of ACCESS resources.

  • ACCESS Operations is investing to grow the community of cyberinfrastructure professionals through its Student Training and Engagement Program (STEP).

  • Researchers can use our ticketing system to communicate their needs to help ACCESS continually improve.

  • It’s free because it’s paid for by NSF.

Desired Actions: Request an allocation; join an Affinity Group; join the Computational Scientist Support Network (CSSN); subscribe to the newsletter; submit a CCEP request; request MATCHPlus/Premier; share and apply to the STEP program; share your news and events with us; provide us with your feedback. 

Collaboration & Content Considerations: Several ACCESS plans (Democratization and Evaluation), as well as groups (EAB, Personas, RAC, RP Forum, Web & Branding), will help to better refine and rescope communication efforts to these audiences. Feedback from these stakeholders can help drive changes in the allocations policies, the support resources offered, and the data availability through XDMoD, as well as highlights for the Communications team. 

Resource Providers (RPs) & Potential RPs

  • RPs are at the heart of the ACCESS program.

  • ACCESS can assist in amplifying initiatives and training opportunities at RP sites. 

  • ACCESS can help you get more involved with the program and the larger ecosystem.

  • ACCESS provides different features to RPs at various integration levels and strives to make integration as simple as possible through our integration roadmaps process.

  • RPs can leverage Affinity Groups to host a gathering place for their user communities.

  • XDMoD provides insights into the performance, with utilization and quality of service of their infrastructure.

  • ACCESS is an inclusive community that strives to connect with traditional HPC and other new/novel kinds of resources into the nationwide ecosystem.

  • ACCESS ensures RPs are well-supported for security incident response and metrics reporting designed to allow them to better operate their resource, and tune system and application performance for the benefit of their end-users.

Desired Actions: Promote your News & Events through ACCESS; further foster your communities through Affinity Groups; explore XDMoD; share a growing set of infrastructure information; provide coordinated resource access services that enable researchers; subscribe and provide content to community and staff newsletters; share specific needs/problems of your resource/program that integrating with ACCESS could help address; participate in the ACCESS Incident Response Trust Group; share your science highlights with ACCESS; reach out to us to learn how to get started with integrating your resource. 

Collaboration & Content Considerations: To better refine messaging regarding the value of integrating a resource within ACCESS, this plan will rely on input from the RP Forum, Operations and Allocations teams, as well as related programs.   

NSF & Related Programs/Groups

  • ACCESS is an important part of the NSF ecosystem.

  • NSF-related programs can collaborate with ACCESS. 

  • By engaging directly with other programs and groups, ACCESS is evolving the ecosystem and extending the boundaries of CI.

    • Programs: PATh, AI Institutes, CC*, MS-CC, MRI, Trusted CI (NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence), NSF CyberTeam, CyberTraining, Engagement and Performance Operations Center (EPOC)

    • Groups: Campus Champions, CSSN Network, Internet2, CaRCC, RMACC, American Indian Science and Engineering Society, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, FARR RCN, American Geophysical Union, United States Research Software Engineer Association

    • Governmental Agencies: Department of Education, Office of Indian Education, Department of Energy, Department of Defense, etc

  • ACCESS is fulfilling the vision set out by the NSF to democratize access to CI for science, engineering and non-traditional domains of research. 

  • ACCESS is enabling science from researchers all across the country and amplifying success stories through science highlights.

Desired Actions: Get in contact with ACCESS; share your program’s News & Events; provide feedback to ACCESS; amplify ACCESS initiatives within yourrespective programs. 

Collaboration & Content Considerations: To keep up with the complex, growing ecosystem, this plan will require input from the rich, diverse perspectives of all program staff and stakeholders. Building and augmenting a list of related programs and contacts will further amplify the bi-directional communications efforts of ACCESS and any program it interfaces with. 

Class Instructors
(All experience levels)

  • ACCESS serves all research and education domains at U.S.-based institutions and is free of cost. 

    • It’s a place for researchers and educators of all levels of experience. 

  • ACCESS Operations is investing to grow the community of cyberinfrastructure professionals through its Student Training and Engagement Program (STEP).

  • ACCESS resources are a great central location for coursework activity.

  • Instructors can get an allocation and add students to it.

  • Graduate students can lead allocation requests for dissertation-related work.

  • Getting started is easy.

  • It’s free because it’s paid for by NSF.

  • The resources include not only access to world-class hardware but also expert and technical support, also at no cost.

  • Everyone will be using the same machine; no more trying to work across multiple machines and operating systems.

  • Campus Champions can help with your allocation request and provide additional support.

Desired Actions: Make sure your college students are aware of the STEP program and encourage applications. Check out news on how students have used ACCESS in their coursework. Find out more about getting started

Collaboration & Content Considerations: Periodic checks of the Allocations database can shed light on the types of activities Class Instructors are pursuing with their allocations. With this information, more targeted news and campaigns can be disseminated. 


Graduate Students

  • Graduate students can lead allocation requests for dissertation-related work.

  • Getting started is easy.

  • ACCESS Operations is investing to grow the community of cyberinfrastructure professionals through its Student Training and 

Engagement Program (STEP).

  • It’s free because it’s paid for by NSF.

  • The resources include expertise not only access to world-class hardware but also expert technical support

and educational tools also at no cost.

  • The MATCH program hires students to be mentors.

  • CSSN Community Engagement Program gives travel rewards to ANYONE for community engagement, feedback forums, 

documentation and more.

  • Campus Champions can help with your allocation request and provide additional support.

  • Getting involved with ACCESS can add to your skill sets and discoverability by employers.

Graduate Students

  • Graduate students can lead allocation requests for dissertation-related work.

  • Getting started is easy.

  • ACCESS Operations is investing to grow the community of cyberinfrastructure professionals through its Student Training and 

Engagement Program (STEP).

  • It’s free because it’s paid for by NSF.

  • The resources include expertise not only access to world-class hardware but also expert technical support

and educational tools also at no cost.

  • The MATCH program hires students to be mentors.

  • CSSN Community Engagement Program gives travel rewards to ANYONE for community engagement, feedback forums, 

documentation and more.

  • Campus Champions can help with your allocation request and provide additional support.

  • Getting involved with ACCESS can add to your skill sets and discoverability by employers.

Desired Actions: Talk to your advisor and request an ACCESS allocation; once you’ve attained an allocation, start a collaboration within your institution or with

investigators from another institution; acknowledge ACCESS in your publications and be sure to upload your accepted publications in the ACCESS database; if 

you are interested in considering or pursuing a career in cyberinfrastructure (operations, data/networking, cybersecurity), apply for the STEP program. Check 

out news on how students have used ACCESS in their coursework. Find out more about getting started

Collaboration & Content Considerations: Calls for contributions can be considered to allow graduates to submit their research highlights and publications for 

inclusion in ACCESS communications. 




To build a strong, cohesive, and consistent brand presence, the ACO Comms team led the development of a visual identity system, approved by the EC and subsequently used throughout the ACCESS program content. The visual identity system:

  • includes a defined and distinctive color palette, typography, photography, graphical elements and a logo or wordmark

  • sets the guidelines that promote ACCESS's brand consistency using visual elements such as the logo/wordmark, colors, images, fonts and more from the design toolkit 

Currently, the Comms team is restyling the logos to remove the tagline (a new one will be considered) and add the NSF logo. 


Branded assets, including PowerPoints, logos, etc., are available on the Comms Team Wiki.


Additionally, the ACO Comms team has developed a style guide for written communications and is working on written conventions and a brand voice document.

The Branding and Web Presence Working Group has developed style guides and resources for designers and developers available on GitHub.

The centerpiece of all ACCESS communications efforts is a web presence that provides access to newsletters, news and feature articles, information on the services provided by the Service Teams, and other user and public-facing communications. 

  • Universal navigation replicated across ACO and Service Area sites for ease of movement for site visitors

  • The ACO team will maintain the home site, with the Service Areas maintaining their subdomains

  • Users may log in to the ACCESS portal(s) from the universal navigation 

Currently, the Web Presence Working Group is engaging with SGX3 on a usability study to determine how to improve the web presence.


The Comms team produces two digital newsletters:

  • Inside ACCESS, the internal monthly newsletter, is targeted at ACCESS staff to allow the ACO and Service Areas to share achievements and upcoming plans and milestones for awareness and planning purposes.

    • Content is submitted via a form sent to PIs, and Communications Team and Working Group leads from our newsletter editor; Inside ACCESS is published on the last Thursday of each month.

  • The ACCESS Advance, our external monthly newsletter, is targeted at a list of 50k+ members and allows ACCESS to share achievements and news important to a broad range of interests. 

    • Content is submitted via a form sent to PIs and Communications Team leads from our newsletter editor; The ACCESS Advance is published on the first Thursday of each month.

In PY3, the Communications team will refresh both newsletters based on feedback from annual surveys.


Additionally, the Support team sends out the biweekly ACCESS Support Digest, with news of events and training sent to 13k+ subscribers.

  • See “Announcements” & “Events” below

Email Communications


While the website and newsletters will be the primary vehicles of communication, emails can be employed in the case of:

  • Mission-critical information that cannot wait for newsletter publication and/or needs amplification of a website post

  • Opportunities to reach audiences not subscribed to newsletters, such as PEARC or SC registrants

The ACO Comms team has developed templates with ACCESS branding and leverages the Constant Contact platform to distribute emails. Additionally, Service Areas have access to the email platform along with templates designed for their Service Areas in order to communicate as needed with audience lists they develop. 

Announcements & Events

The Support team provides Announcements and Events functionality that can be leveraged by anyone with an ACCESS ID. 

Outage News

The Operations team provides the ecosystem with Infrastructure News for publishing and discovering outages of various services and at Resource Provider sites. 

Integration News

The Operations team provides the ecosystem with Integration News that communicates changes to integration roadmaps, tools, and related services.

Events Supplies

The ACO Comms team provides:

  • Booth graphics and oversight of booth production for large-scale events such as SC

  • Branded tablecloths and pull-up banners for smaller events

  • Materials including general informational brochures and swag (giveaways)

ACCESS staff can arrange to order and have shipped materials via the Comms Team wiki.

Social Media

The ACO Comms team maintains social media accounts including:

  • X/formerly Twitter

  • Facebook

  • YouTube

  • LinkedIn

A social media strategy includes amplification of:

  • stories including scientific advances enabled by ACCESS

  • Resource provider stories

  • Important training opportunities and events 

  • @mentions about ACCESS from other organizations

Instant Messaging

ACCESS also leverages Slack channels for both ACCESS-wide communication and engagement with communities such as Resource Providers, Campus Champions, and related programs. 

Media Relations

The team maintains a close relationship with HPCwire and additional news outlets to ensure applicable stories are shared with the overall U.S. community. The team also engages with media relations teams from the ACCESS users’ institutions to ensure that their regional media is aware of the broader impact of ACCESS efforts.

Government Relations

The team regularly updates the NSF Office of Legislative and Public Affairs (OLPA) so that they may re-purpose science/user stories as they see fit for their media outlets etc.



Feedback Mechanisms and Contact Us 

Insights and suggestions from all persons interested in ACCESS play a crucial part in shaping our communication strategies and enhancing the overall program. You can contact an ACCESS Communications representative by submitting a ticket. We appreciate detailed feedback and will work to respond to inquiries promptly.


Sustainability Considerations

By continuously evaluating the targeted audiences, messaging, and schedule with other ACCESS groups and individuals, we’ll simultaneously build flexibility and agility within the program’s communications strategy. Being flexible in adapting strategies to align with evolving needs identified by the experts in our program and within our community is key to successful collaboration. In addition to messaging, the team will monitor emerging trends in communication channels and technologies. Further, constant monitoring of the plan will ensure we have the right level of resources allocated to communications activities. 




  1. Communications Contacts to Expand ACCESS Ecosystem



Contact Name

Contact Email


Mats Rynge 

AI Institutes (SAIL) 

Ginger Welsh 







Trusted CI (NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence)



NSF CyberTeam



CyberTraining, Engagement and Performance Operations Center (EPOC)



Campus Champions

Cyd Burrows-Schilling

CSSN Network




Daphne McCanse (can add another later)


Daphne McCanse




American Indian Science and Engineering Society



Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers




Christine Kirkpatrick

American Geophysical Union



United States Research Software Engineer Assc.



Department of Education

Miguel Cardona


Office of Indian Education

Julian Guerrero

Department of Energy



Department of Defense




2. ACCESS Service Team Outputs


A rich collection of diverse services and products have evolved from ACCESS including the following:



XRAS – the eXtensible Resource Allocation Service, the software that powers the allocations process

Project Types – the different ways researchers and educators can request allocations

Resource Catalog – a listing of the resources available under ACCESS and other programs

Exchange Calculator – the “currency” used to exchange for time on resources available in ACCESS

Allocations Policies – the guidelines and procedures for how the allocations process takes place

Review Panel – a peer review process (for large requests) made up of computational experts

Innovative Pilots – novel features and changes to allocations landscape


Computational Science Support Network (CSSN) – a program to assist prospective, new, and current users through a range of activities

CSSN Community Engagement Program (CCEP) – provides travel awards in exchange for community engagement, feedback forums, documentation, and additional contributions to ACCESS

Events – a self-service portal for individuals and programs to promote their upcoming events

Announcements – a self-service portal for individuals and programs to promote their news

Knowledge Base – documentation, Q&A discussion threads (http://Ask.CI ), recommended links (CI Links), and more

MATCH Services (Plus/Premier) – connects researchers with consultants, mentors, and students to help solve their research problems

Resource Advisor – a tool to guide researchers and educators to resources that will suit their needs

Affinity Groups – communities that share common interests and exchange knowledge

OnDemand – an easy-to-use web portal to allow researchers to compute through a web browser 

Pegasus – a workflow manager to construct, run, and debug across various compute environments


ACCESS IDs (Identity and Access Management) – account management functionality for ACCESS

Integration Roadmaps – a step-by-step guide of how to add a new resource to ACCESS 

Concierge Integration Experts – human resources to assist with the integration of new resources

Cyberinfrastructure Description Repository (CiDeR) – a database of ACCESS resource descriptions

Information Sharing Platform APIs – APIs for ACCESS affiliated software developers and infrastructure operators that enable ACCESS infrastructure discovery, including descriptions and dynamic status information. Information available through the APIs is aggregated from RPs and multiple databases

Infrastructure News and Outages – news about ACCESS integrated resources and online services 

Security Incident Reporter – allows anyone to report a cybersecurity incident that affects ACCESS

Acceptable Use Policy – practices ACCESS ID holders must agree to in order to participate 

Privacy Policy – details the information gathered through the ACCESS services

User Identity Dashboard – allows ACCESS ID holders to modify their information (email, institution)

SSH Key Register – a mechanism to add or remove access credentials for secure shell protocols

Multi-Factor Authentication – enhanced account security measures; ACCESS utilizes Duo 

Student Training & Engagement Program (STEP) – an internship effort to grow the community of cyberinfrastructure professionals


ACCESS XDMoD – provides reporting capabilities for the resources that are allocated under ACCESS, including the ability for researchers and systems personnel to monitor usage, measure quality of service, and measure job level performance

Open XDMoD – open source software that allows academic and industrial data centers to monitor usage and performance of their local CI and generate custom reports for their stakeholders

NetSage for ACCESS – an open source, privacy-aware network measurement, analysis and visualization service

XDMoD Data Analytics Framework/Jupyter Notebooks – provides an enhanced programming environment for researchers to analyze data from ACCESS resources


External Advisory Board – provides the Executive Council with advice on the various services

Executive Council – coordinated ​​top-level inter-awardee governance in ACCESS

Communications – coordinates and facilitates the communication of program developments and science success to the broad community via monthly newsletters, press releases, social media and other means. Also facilitates communications internally to the program via the internal monthly newsletter and other mechanisms

Program Coordination – in addition to the Executive Council and External Advisory Board, the ACO supports many program-wide efforts to further mature the program. E.g., developing processes for Working Groups and Standing Committees, facilitating the development of program-wide goals, etc. In addition, the ACO provides a suite of tools to support program-wide coordination and management



2. Communications Schedule


Date Milestone

May MS-CC, May 29–31 – Wash, DC

SGX3 Usability Study Report


June Quarterly Program Meeting (virtual)


July PEARC, July 21–24 – Providence, RI

BRICCS Conference (DATES)

International HPC Summer School (July 7–12) – Kobe, Japan

Unite 2023 UNCF Summit for Black Education, July 28–August 1 – Atlanta

Quarterly Reports

Refreshed ACCESS Advance and Inside ACCESS launch




September Quarterly Program Meeting, Pittsburgh

Tapia Conference, Sept 18–20 – San Diego

Campus Cyberinfrastructure* PI Workshop (DATES)


October Grace Hopper, October 8–11– Philadelphia

HBCU Conference on Climate Change (DATES)

SACNAS, (Oct 31–Nov2) – Phoenix

Quarterly Reports

Meeting of NSF’s AI Institute PIs


November SC24, November 17–22 – Atlanta


December Quarterly Program Meeting (virtual)


January Quarterly Reports


February STEP Applications open


March Quarterly Program Meeting (in–person, TBD)

Emerging Researchers Conference (March 14–15)


April Quarterly Reports

Annual Panel Reviews




Communications Plan



Channel (website, newsletters, email, social media, event)



May 2024

  • General news/science highlight stories

  • Call for newsletter items 


  • PEARC news and announcements


  • Quarterly Meeting info

  • Website, newsletter, social media


  • Targeted emails to service areas, working groups

  • Website, newsletters, email, social media

  • Inside ACCESS newsletter, Slack

  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms; Service Areas

  • ACO Comms

  • Website hits, CTR


  • News submissions


  • Website hits, CTR


  • CTRs

June 2024

  • General news/science highlight stories

  • Call for newsletter items 


  • PEARC news and announcements


  • PEARC materials into production

  • Welcome new RPs (quarterly)

  • New tagline launches

  • Updated Newsletters Launch

  • Website, newsletter, social media


  • Targeted emails to service areas, working groups

  • Email, newsletter


  • n/a

  • Newsletters, social

  • Soft rollout across channels

  • Newsletters

  • ACO Comms; Allocations

  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms

  • ACO Comms; Operations

  • ACO Comms

  • ACO Comms

  • Website hits, CTR 


  • News submissions


  • Submission of BoFs, papers, etc.

  • n/a

  • CTRs



  • CTRs, fall survey feedback

July 2024

  • PEARC (July 21–25)


  • Visit ACCESS at PEARC

  • General news/science highlight stories – program-wide meeting wrap-up

  • Call for newsletter items 


  • PEARC news and announcements


  • Targeted Campaign 1 launches

  • Event


  • PEARC registrants' email list

  • Website, newsletter, social media



  • Targeted emails to service areas, working groups

  • Website, newsletters, email, social media

  • TBD

  • ACO Comms; Service Areas

  • ACO Comms

  • ACO Comms



  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms; Service Areas

  • ACO Comms; Service Areas

  • Booth traffic; newsletter signups

  • Booth traffic, CTR

  • Website hits, CTR



  • News submissions


  • Website hits, CTR


  • TBD

August 2024

  • PEARC wrap-up story, PY2 Highlights book PDF uploaded

  • General news/science highlight stories

  • Call for newsletter items


  • Quarterly Meeting Information


  • Invitation to order PY2 Highlights books

  • HPCWire Awards nominations open; vote!

  • STEP summer wrap-up story


  • Website, newsletters, social media


  • Website, newsletter, social media


  • Targeted emails to service areas, working groups

  • Inside ACCESS newsletter, Slack


  • Inside ACCESS newsletter, RP Forum/mailing list

  • Newsletters, social, Slack


  • Website, social

  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms; Operations

  • Website hits, CTR


  • Website hits, CTR


  •  News submissions


  • CTRs, Slack engagement

  • Orders submitted via form

  • CTRs, engagement


  • Web hits, CTR

September 2024

  • SC24 news and announcements


  • General news/science highlight stories

  • Call for newsletter items


  • Quarterly Meeting information


  • Welcome new RPs (quarterly)


  • Website, newsletters, email, social media

  • Website, newsletters, email, social media

  • Targeted emails to service areas, working groups

  • Inside ACCESS newsletter, Slack


  • Newsletters, Social

  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms, Operations

  • CTRs


  • CTRs


  •  News submissions


  • CTR, Slack engagement

  • CTRs

October 2024

  • SC24 News and announcements


  • General news/science highlight stories – program-wide meeting wrap-up

  • Call for newsletter items


  • SC materials into production


  • Targeted Campaign 2 launches

  • Comms satisfaction survey launches

  • Website, newsletters, email, social media

  • Website, newsletters, email, social media


  • Targeted emails to service areas, working groups


  • Email, newsletter

  • TBD

  • Email

  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms



  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms

  • ACO Comms; Service Areas

  • ACO Comms

  • Web hits, CTRs


  • Web hits, CTRs



  •  News submissions



  • TBD


  • quantity/quality of responses

November 2024

  • SC24 – Atlanta


  • Visit ACCESS at SC24


  • General news/science highlight stories

  • Call for newsletter items


  • HPCWire Awards

  • Event


  • Website, newsletters, email, social media

  • Website, newsletters, email, social media

  • Targeted emails to service areas, working groups

  • Website, newsletters, social

  • ACO Comms; Service Areas

  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms

  • Booth traffic


  • CTR/booth traffic


  • Website hits, CTR


  • News submissions


  • Web hits, CTRs

December 2024

  • Newsletter reader surveys


  • SC24 Wrap-up story

  • General news/science highlight stories

  • Call for news items (internal newsletter)

  • Welcome new RPs (quarterly)

  • Standalone emails

  • Website, newsletters, social media

  • Website, newsletters, email, social media

  • Email, newsletter


  • Newsletters, social

  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms

  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms; Operations

  • Survey feedback


  • Website hits, CTR

  • Website hits, CTR


  • News submissions


  • CTRs

January 2024

  • General news/science highlight stories – program-wide meeting wrap-up

  • Call for newsletter items


  • Targeted Campaign 3 launches

  • Website, newsletters, social media



  • Targeted emails to service areas, working groups

  • TBD

  • ACO Comms; Allocations


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms; Services Areas

  • Wesite hits, CTR



  • News submissions 


  • TBD

February 2024

  • General news/science highlight stories

  • Call for newsletter items


  • STEP Applications Open

  • Website, newsletter, social media


  • Targeted emails to service areas, working groups

  • Website, social, newsletters


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms; Operations

  • Website hits, CTR


  • News submissions 


  • Web hits, CTRs

March 2024

  • General news/science highlight stories

  • Call for newsletter items


  • Welcome new RPs (quarterly)

  • Website, newsletters, social


  • Targeted emails to service areas, working groups

  • Newsletters, social

  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms; Operations

  • Website hits, CTRs


  •  News submissions


  • CTRs

April 2024

  • General news/science highlight stories – program-wide meeting wrap-up

  • Call for newsletter items


  • PEARC news and announcements


  • Targeted Campaign 4 launches

  • Website, newsletters, social media



  • Targeted emails to service areas, working groups

  • Website, newsletters, email, social media

  • TBD


  • ACO Comms; Allocations


  • ACO Comms


  • ACO Comms; Service Areas

  • ACO Comms; Service Areas

  • Wesite hits, CTR



  • News submissions


  • Website hits, CTR


  • TBD