2024-03-19 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart

  • MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Alana Romanella

  • CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl

  • MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White

  • OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley

  • NSF: Tom Gulbransen, Sharon Geva

  • Guest Speaker: NA

(v) indicates a voting member

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. Approval of summaries from prior EC meeting @John Towns (5 min)

    1. 2024-03-05 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

    2. approved

  2. Program Milestone Check @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. Surveys out and we are getting info back

      1. Will need to block some time to discuss - slate a section of the meeting next week

    2. SSH Key - slightly behind target - is close to being handed off - down to documentation stage

  3. Researcher Advisory Committee (RAC) Report-out @Laura Herriott (10 minutes)

    1. - where there WIKI is

    2. PPT - great meeting last week - very engaged

      1. Cross track collaborations and website integration opportunities to enhance cohesiveness

      2. How do we continue to grow beyond traditional bounds - request an info-graphic or document of what resources are offered or a starting point to help introduce new people to ACCESS

      3. Impressive amount of data collected - topic for next meeting

      4. Allowing students to be their own PI is invaluable

      5. Planning for Fall meeting

        1. agenda ideas - program wide goals and usage metrics, EAB report out + discussion

  4. EAB Meeting Schedule for 2024 @Shawn Strande (10 mins, Cindy Wong will join the discussion)

    1. Questions to resolve:

      1. Do we hold the upcoming virtual meetings in connection with the quarterly meetings? or in that time frame but not connected?

        1. Pro of being together - only need to create 1 presentation

        2. 2 hours of the virtual meeting - will be slotted in with June and December Quarterly

      2. Schedule for the one-on-one meetings with Allocations and Operations

        1. should they happen whenever they can or connect to a larger group meeting?

          1. sometime after May

      3. Who to invite to EAB meetings?

        1. they feel more comfortable talking when there are not a lot of people they don’t know around

      4. Doing an in person EAB at the hotel was tough last year - perhaps it should be an ACCESS gathering instead? more informal? having any remote calling in is challenging at a convention center

  5. Input for NSF ACCESS/RP engagement @Shawn Strande (5 mins)

    1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18FNO63QcGg7mPZPD311x6KLt3FUihyGi/edit?pli=1

    2. review and update in document

      1. SLACK RP Space is very customized to their use - we might not want them to lost their configurations - and access team members do participate in the RP Slack

      2. Not sure about cost of adding people to main slack would be cost effective

      3. We can share individual channels - up to 5 single channel guests for every member of the existing team - free of charge

        1. https://slack.com/blog/collaboration/how-to-bring-outsiders-into-your-teams-workspace

  6. Staff Recognition Program Updates @John Towns (10 mins)

    1. no update

  7. Any Annual Report/Annual Review updates or action items?

    1. Shared Slide Deck - people are working on slides

      1. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fv9Yqx8R9gdKiDDJ4DUPldgyO23DvJhJ/edit?rtpof=true&sd=true

    2. Update on revised goals that need to be reported on.

      1. approving program wide goals?

    3. Any data requests? (for the Eval WG, Allocations team, etc.) - let Dave know now/soon

  8. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. Allocations Stephen Deems

      1. (See John’s update below) Allocations can and will use XRAS program income to cover the costs of the PEARC’24 booth

      2. New ACCESS resource coming online soon.

        1. PSC Neocortex is likely to be the first ACSS Category II resource available for request through ACCESS.

          1. Still testing XRAS and working through other integration bits.

    2. MATCH Shelley Knuth

    3. CONECT Tim Boerner

    4. MMS Tom Furlani

    5. OpenCI John Towns

      1. Expenses for ACCESS Booth at PEARC 24 and travel related expenses are not covered by the grant but by John's ICR account.

Misc Topics:

Parking Lot


Next EC Meeting: 26th March 2024

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