2024-02-13 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart

  • MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Alana Romanella

  • CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl

  • MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White

  • OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley

  • NSF: Tom Gulbransen, Sharon Geva

  • Guest Speaker: Jeremy Fisher

(v) indicates a voting member

Decisions made during the meeting:

  1. Unanimous approval of the Personas Doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sYBUyFHdx-E1--lRSQXgs8ak5Z8UTGhtPrpb8y61sVw/edit#heading=h.izmimhj72m1q

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  1. RP Forum Representation within the EC - @Jeremy Fischer

    1. Draft of proposal sent around this morning

    2. Changing rules of RP forum bylaws

    3. Changes around XSEDE still mentioned in bylaws

    4. RP forum delegate as a voting member of EC - the RP forum chair

    5. Discussion

      1. move to a different days agena

      2. why a voting member? ACCESS EC have a potential impact on RP - they should have input into the process

      3. Did the RP forum as a whole ask for this? or just a subset? - both requested

      4. Is that reciprocated from ACCESS to the EC? - it could be beneficial both ways - would be worth thinking about

        1. present to the RPs at their next meeting

        2. Tom Maiden is a representation of ACCESS/Operations but we don’t have someone from EC/ACO

    6. RP Forum Bylaws Vote @Jeremy Fischer

      1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s1jfE3CzI46y2tE6ZbS89HM6Tc5xQ7_8/view

  2. Approval of summaries from prior EC meeting @John Towns (5 min)

    1. 6th February 2024 EC Meeting

    2. no changes - approved

  3. Program Milestone Check @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. we are on track with our milestones

    2. no additional items to add

    3. Stephen - Path integration - upcoming - has been in the works for a while - may not hit target date

      1. updated in spreadsheet

  4. Finalize Quarterly and EAB agenda @Shawn Strande (5 min)

    1. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17UTopbbNSgl-3tn95eLBw6TR4IsPBqcgFHf6uW8HXfE/edit?pli=1*gid=1094408448__;Iw!!DZ3fjg!97QX-cLHAzIe8h4BQtY3pgMR9k9zKdj-pi0oo_Sno_gLeDv2uf_vunQ3tOgJ7WW2hYSZ9MZP86vtxTflGnlIppQ$ - OK to release

      1. Talk for each PI - will get dual use out of presentation for both team and EAB

      2. Stephen asked if we could plan together on what are the shared slides for presentation - which would be a good way to plan for shared slides for evaluation

      3. Opening for EAB session should be by the EAB chair

  5. Other upcoming conference presence @John Towns (10 mins)

    1. Link to ACCESS Engagement Tracker

      1. PyCon, May 15-23, Pittsburgh PA

      2. PEARC 2024, July 21-25, Providence?

      3. Tapia Conference, Sep. 18-20, San Diego?

      4. NeurIPS, December 2024?

      5. Grace Hopper 2024?

        1. Sharon - check on the evolution of Grace Hopper - it may not be the same focus as it has been in the past years

          1. https://www.npr.org/2023/10/05/1203845886/women-tech-conference-men-grace-hopper

          2. Similar to Kim’s report from going in 2023

      6. SC is still under consideration - waiting on recommendation - approx 1st week of March

      7. Bring to Quarterly - but rank them first

      8. Not a complete list - but we can’t wait too much longer for planning

        1. bring a more complete list to the meeting

        2. put submission and sponsorship deadlines in as well as dates of the conference


  6. Discuss personas doc @Shelley Knuth (15 mins)

    1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sYBUyFHdx-E1--lRSQXgs8ak5Z8UTGhtPrpb8y61sVw/edit#heading=h.izmimhj72m1q

    2. made changes based on feedback from EC

      1. Added a “Scope” section near the top to more clearly identify what the goal of this working group was

      2. Added a fifth persona (which is now Persona #4) specifically targeted at Resource Providers

      3. Added some additional text to the justification

      4. Accepted text changes and responded/resolved comments

    3. will be provided to the SGXC

    4. Vote - approved by all

  7. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. Allocations Stephen Deems

      1. Maximize ACCESS submission window has closed

        1. 96 proposals submitted

        2. Review meeting will take place Monday, March 11

        3. Proposals are currently being matched with reviewers

        4. Proposers will be notified ~March 15.

          1. Awards will renew/begin on April 1, 2024.

      2. DHS is interested in doing proof of concept collaboration

    2. MATCH Shelley Knuth

      1. Going thru feedback forum - many were on support services and general input on ACCESS - this will be shared at quarterly meeting

      2. We were selected as one of the NSF Regional Engines projects - Good Opportunity for collaboration

        1. https://tableau.external.nsf.gov/views/NSFEnginesPortfolio/Partnership?%3Aembed=y&%3AisGuestRedirectFromVizportal=y

    3. CONECT Tim Boerner

    4. MMS Tom Furlani

      1. getting better response from RPs in getting performance data - good interaction

    5. OpenCI John Towns

      1. The Communications WG has provided an update to the PY2 plans covering Jan-Apr 2024. This focuses on things that will not interfere with the analysis SGX3 will be doing but that need to be done.

      2. FDA reached out to possibly work with ACCESS

Misc Topics:

Parking Lot

  1. Representation within the EC - move to next week - let Jeremy know when to come back

  2. Best way to conduct growing need for communications with the RPs @Shelley Knuth (15 mins)

Next EC Meeting: 20th February 2024

Action Tracker:

@John Towns + @Lavanya Podila - prepare ranked list of conferences to present at the quarterly meeting - make sure list contains submission as well as sponsorship dates in addition to the conference date - Feb 20, 2024

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