Team Development Introduction

Team Development Introduction

What type of team are we?


( Divergent Science Workshop )

Integrated Team: Integrated teams are composed of individuals from different departments who work together to achieve common goals. These teams are highly effective because they combine diverse skills, perspectives, and experiences to solve complex problems. By working together, integrated teams can achieve higher levels of productivity, innovation, and creativity.

The approach of integrated teams breaks down silos and fosters cross-functional collaboration, allowing for increased creativity, improved communication, and more effective problem-solving.

However, based on the environment you are in an integrated team may not be possible.

( Team Collaboration: How to Build Integrated Teams in 2025 | Spike )



Core-Periphery: designating a leadership team as a core and meeting weekly, and designating other members as peripheral and meeting monthly can create a core-periphery structure.

Team of Teams: At the core of the "team of teams" philosophy is the formation of an adaptive, interconnected network of smaller, autonomous teams. These teams function as agile nodes in a wider network, each focused on specific tasks while maintaining continuous communication and collaboration across traditional departmental boundaries. This cross-functional interaction sparks innovative solutions and cooperation that might not emerge within isolated teams.

Central to this structure is the concept of decentralized decision-making. By empowering each team to make rapid decisions relating to their responsibilities, the system bypasses the often slow, hierarchical approval process. This results in faster responses to new information or changing circumstances.

(https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/team-teams-adaptive-leadership-complex-world-stefan-lindegaard/ )



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