2024-07-31 Meeting notes




Jul 31, 2024

 Participants - Roll Call

@Dina Meek @lissie @Greg Dean @Jesse Lambertson (IU) @Tolbert, Nathan L @Dinuka De Silva @Christine Golus

Important Links

PY2 Plan

SGX3 Workplan











Personas Landing Pages


  • EAB loved the work!

  • EC did as well and had some suggestions for us to discuss:

    • Top nav: “Info For:” seems a bit off…pointing to the icons. Maybe a carat or something else to indicate a dropdown. And the word “Solutions” rather than “Info” might be better.

      • Also, I said we want the EC’s blessing on the navigation

      • And anything that goes away from the top nav needs to be well represented on landing pages

    • Could we not have that middle landing page (with the persona boxes) and just have that content right on the home page? Two folks mentioned that. Fewer clicks.

    • One mentioned liking the layout (page 3 of 6) with the blurb under the banner and then the persona buttons.

    • Questions about how we’ll vet the content on each landing page

      • I said we wanted to work closely with the EC

      • Also could have the breakout groups from quarterly meeting review too

    • Landing pages: I don’t understand why, on the Getting Started page, you would have the line “If you’re new to ACCESS, read the FAQ.” Why give that option here? They should be selecting one of the five persona options—each of those is essentially a targeted FAQ. Maybe leave the general FAQ link *below* the persona options, e.g. "Do you need ACCESS for another reason? Read the FAQ."

From 7/18 meeting, for ref:

  • Dina walked us through

  • Dina to present to the EAB today

From Comms Team meeting: how do we get folks logging directly into a non-ACO site to find their content?” For example, something floating on each page?

  • Team felt having it in top nav and footer were adequate

Team wants to include headings for the various questions on each Persona page to help visitors better navigate by topic

Next steps?

  • Could we break off into teams of 2, each taking one of the Personas copy pages to check against the quarterly meeting feedback?


From 7/3 meeting, for ref:

Discussed best way to persistently show the Personas (to navigate back to wherever you are on the web presence)

  • Decided to use words rather than an icon in the top nav AND to also list in the footer

  • For now, nav language will be “Find info for” with a dropdown listing the personas


From 6/26 meeting, for ref:

Andrew: remember SGX3 liked the idea of us using the question format for headers.

Andrew: we want to be sure people can get to these pages from anywhere on the sites

Nathan: we need to remember we decided these pages would be for ALL members of these personas, so “Get Started” may not be as clear or accurate.

We could ask people to identify when they visit our page and then we can feed them content based on their identification
- problematic if they are members of more than one persona

  • also they’d have to be logged in for this to happen

We could have a persistent widget for them to identify themselves and/or get back to their persona

  • Or use the white space at the top?

Could incorporate accordions on the landing pages as needed to manage growing content

(From 6/20 meeting for ref):

Rather than “Get Started” as the link-through to a subpage with all the personas we could:

  • Repurpose the blocks on the home page with “For (persona)” that they’d click through

When we change the top nav, we need to be sure people can get to what may go away (such as Operations and Metrics)

We’ll table HOW they get to the personas pages until we’ve got the pages finalized

Team felt like “Solutions” wasn’t the right word in the “For Info” space; we need to think of something else

We’re going to use “Programs & Organizations”

We can just use “Researchers”, “Educators

Christine suggested we have actual users (one or two per persona) review the layouts to make sure they work for their needs

For next meeting:

Dina/Comms to review the Wiki Persona documents for voice/style consistency first.

Dina to get Jesse access to the wiki

Dina/Comms to provide quotes for each persona

Q to prep additional homepage layouts to show placement of news, persona boxes

All - review the Updated Universal nav doc for next meeting - make comments about anything you think is missing, needs to be changed, etc.


Compare the copy in the Personas Landing Pages Content Outline documents (in the left menu <<<) with feedback from the Personas groups in the Quarterly Meeting as follows; make any changes/recommendations to the PLPCO docs by 7/31:

Researchers - Nathan

Educators - Lissie/Andrew
RPs - JP and Jesse


Grad Students - Greg


Dina & Comms - Community






Parking Lot

Tagging/Tracking/GTM/Google Analytics





Integrating CITAP



Allocations new site

Analytics page

Thoughts on deferring this work until after the SGX3 work?

“Get Started” Tagging

  • How are people getting to the subpages?

  • We need to decide what metrics we’re really interested in tracking

  • Looked at tagging the dropdowns on the “about” page of “Getting Started”

  • You want to tag things that are actionable by the user

Need to identify goals in order to set metric to measure those goals

  • Program-wide goals might be a good place to start

Support will build for their secondary menu and we can follow that if we see a good reason for adding it to main nav


Please add to this list asynchronously and we will check it as we continue to meet

Propose we spend our next meeting reviewing how this impacts the home page’s “Get Started” work

Team agrees we should wait until we consolidate all the web feedback and bring to the EC for direction before deciding how to move forward with tagging for analytics.

Per Dina: still like the idea of organizing our future work around program goals.

Perhaps while SGX3 is doing their work (should be done early May) we can discuss what to tag, but not do any tagging yet.

Review Decision Tracker