Personas Landing Pages Content Outline


  1. Review the feedback from the Quarterly Meeting breakout groups (linked in the 6-12 meeting notes and in the Quarterly Meeting Notes)

  2. Add any notes below for each persona type

  3. Suggestions will be incorporated into the individual persona documents linked below.


For Researchers (Nathan)
For Educators (Lissie/Andrew)
For Resource Providers (JP/Jesse)
For Grad Students (Greg)
For the ACCESS Community (Dina)


Note: The content below covers basic information about ACCESS that researchers, educators, and grad students need. Specific information for these personas will need to be added.

Content for Research Providers is unique for this persona type. See For Resource Providers

TBD ACCESS Community content. e.g. “How do users start with ACCESS?”

Introduction - How this audience relates to and interacts with ACCESS. (Dina is drafting)

Quick links

Persona quote (Dina to identify for each persona)

How do I begin using ACCESS?
To use ACCESS resources and manage your project, create an account.
Register for an ACCESS ID
ID Management FAQ

What type of resources are available?
ACCESS Resource Providers from across the United States provide you free access to advanced computing systems and services.
Explore available resources

How do I prepare and request an allocation?
With your ACCESS ID, apply for an allocation and receive credits to use a resource. You will select a project type based on the scale of your resource needs. EXPLORE ACCESS is a good place to start. Apply and get access in as little as 1–2 business days.
Get your first project

I need to understand more about ACCESS project types and credits.
There are four different ACCESS project types to choose from: Explore, Discover, Accelerate, and Maximize. You select a project type based on your research needs – from small-scale use up through large-scale research activities. Each project type has different requirements, duration, review process, and credit amounts to use.
About project types
Using and exchanging credits

Where can I find training and documentation?
ACCESS is a large ecosystem and can be overwhelming. We are here to help every step of the way.
Attend events and trainings
Get documentation
Explore the Knowledge Base

Are there tools available to run my project?
ACCESS is “self-serve.” You connect directly to the resource you need and run the software necessary to complete your task. For new users, ACCESS OnDemand is an easy-to-use web interface. Get remote access from any device. No client software installation required. For those who need workflows/pipelines or cross site runs, Pegasus is an easy to use workflow management tool managed from within Jupyter Notebook.

How do I manage and add other users to my account?
You’ll need to have the role of PI, co-PI, or Allocation Manager to request/manage your project and add users.

How-to add a user
Allocation management ???

Are support services available?
Running into a roadblock? ACCESS has a ticketing system to get your questions answered by experts or submit your question to Ask.CI. Need more help? Get matched with a consultant, student, or mentor to help solve your research problems.
Submit a ticket
Explore MATCH services

How do I track my project’s performance quality?
Use ACCESS XDMoD to improve your job and allocation usage efficiency. Log in and click on the Job Viewer tab. Enter your job number and resource in the search box to see how efficiently your job is running.
Log in to ACCESS XDMoD

Are reports and citations required by ACCESS?
Progress reports are required in order to receive the second half of your ACCESS credits. At this point you may request a one-time increase in credits and/or extension. Upon completion a final report must be submitted summarizing the work and acknowledging ACCESS. Publications can be added using the My Publications tool.
How-to add a publication
How to acknowledge ACCESS

How can I get involved in the ACCESS community?
There are many opportunities for XXX to get involved with the ACCESS community.
(Links per persona type)


For all personas:

Training and Documentation (All)

  • Training events, conferences

  • ACCESS and RP documentation

  • Support Knowledge Base

Getting Support (All)

  • Tickets

  • Ask.CI

  • MATCH Services

  • Slack (RPs)

Community and Collaboration (All)



Need more information? visit our FAQs.

Sign up for the ACCESS newsletter so you can read about some of the great work being enabled via ACCESS and stay up to date about upcoming events and opportunities. (bottom of the page)

Consider using a quotes and or example from each audience/persona type – eg.



For Researchers


Welcome! Computational Researchers are the heaviest users of ACCESS allocations. If you’re new to using advanced research computing, also known as high-performance computing, start with the basics; if you’re more experienced, skip to the specific information you need below.

Let’s start with the basics – Visit our FAQs.

What resources best fit my needs? (link to Allocations)

How can I optimize my allocation? (link to Metrics?)

What are the wait times? (link to Operations)

What levels of support can I expect? (link to Support)

What training is available (link to Support training page)

See how researchers from a broad variety of academic institutions are using ACCESS.
Researchers from the New Jersey Institute of Technology use ACCESS resources to find alternaties to lithium for battery design.
Researchers from Pennsylvania State University use ACCESS resource Stampede2 to run hurricane simulations.

Joining ACCESS (All)

Resources, Allocations, and Cost (All)

Training and Documentation

  • Training events, conferences

  • ACCESS and RP documentation

  • Support Knowledge Base

Getting Support

Community and Collaboration (All)

Efficiency and Optimization


  • OnDemand

  • Pegasus




Welcome! One of the benefits ACCESS provides is that Graduate Students are eligible to be PIs for entry-level awards with an advisor letter of collaboration; NSF Graduate Fellows are eligible PIs for small-scale awards. Additionally, dissertation work need not be entangled with an advisor's research activities and NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Fellows or Honorable Mention recipients are eligible for Discover-level allocations.

Let’s start with the basics – visit our FAQs.

Quick links

  • How do I write a proposal?

Joining ACCESS

Resources, Allocations, and Cost (All)

  • ACCESS offers two allocation types for Grad Students:

    • EXPLORE — Great for resource evaluation, graduate student projects, small classes and training events, benchmarking, code development and porting, and similar small-scale uses.

    • DISCOVER — Designed for research grants with modest resource needs, Campus Champions, large classes and training events, NSF graduate fellowships, benchmarking and code testing at scale, and gateway development.

  • Resource Catalog, ARA, SDS

  • Allocation process

  • Account Management

Training and Documentation (All)

Getting Support (All)

Community and Collaboration (All)

Efficiency and Optimization (Researchers, Grad Students)


  • OnDemand

  • Pegasus

See how grad students are benefitting from ACCESS.
A MATCH student shares her story assisting Murray State University researchers with their work using SDSC’s Expanse.




Welcome! ACCESS can help support your instruction teaching students how to utilize computational tools and mentoring them in HPC techniques. By accessing compute and GPU resources you may not have available on your campus, students have the opportunity to work with very large datasets without fear of being cut off.

Let’s start with the basics – visit our FAQs.


  • what can ACCESS do for my class?

Resources, Allocations, and Cost

  • Which resources support class accounts, allow student access

  • Guidance on adding students to allocation

  • Science Gateways

Training and Documentation

  • Information on posting trainings

Community and Collaboration

  • This community would benefit from an Affinity Group for sharing best practices

See how other educators are using ACCESS in their classrooms :



Let’s start with the basics – visit our FAQs.

  • RP related announcements (ie changes in CI Logon etc.)

  • Central place to enter information about themselves

Joining ACCESS (All)

  • Benefits for integrating into ACCESS for (prospective, especially) RPs

  • When you’re ready to request your first allocation, you’ll need an ACCESS ID. (Researcher, Educator, Grad Student. RPs and Community Partners need ACCESS IDs to edit CiDeR records, create Infrastructure News, etc.)

Training and Documentation

  • Information on posting trainings

Getting Support (All)

Community and Collaboration (All)

Integration and Roadmaps

  • Integration roadmaps (how to integrate into ACCESS, on-board a resource)



(Science Gateways, Campus Champions, NSF Institutes (AI/software etc), SCIPE awardees, PATH, MS-CC, RMACC….etc….)
For ACCESS Ambassadors:
ACCESS Outreach

Introduction - How this audience relates to and interacts with ACCESS.

Quick links

Joining ACCESS

Resources, Allocations, and Cost

Training and Documentation

  • Training events, conferences

  • ACCESS and RP documentation

  • Support Knowledge Base

Getting Support

Community and Collaboration

Integration and Roadmaps

More general information about ACCESS – visit our FAQs.





What are progress reports? IS THIS STILL REQUIRED?

Progress reports are required in order to receive the second half of your ACCESS credits. At this point you may request a one-time increase in credits and/or extension

How to write a progress report



What happens when I complete my project?

Upon completion a final report must be submitted summarizing the work and acknowledging ACCESS. Publications can be added using the My Publications tool.

How to write a final report ??

How can I get involved in the ACCESS Community?

We look forward to you becoming part of the ACCESS community!

Become a reviewer, etc.

What else can I explore?

See who is using ACCESS right now

View publicly available CPU stats about ACCESS projects

Learn how ACCESS is advancing science