

OSG’s Open Science Pool (OSPool) is a ACCESS resource provider. In the context of ACCESS Pegasus, OSPool is a special resource as it is using the same job schedule, HTCondor, and thus enables a direct connection from ACCESS Pegasus.

ACCESS Pegasus jobs will automatically be considered for execution on the OSPool. The only requirement is that the jobs need to have a ProjectName specified - this is used for accounting on the OSPool. If you have an ACCESS allocation on OSG, you can use the “TG-NNNNNN” allocation id as project name. Or, if you have an OSG assigned project name, you may use that. You can specify the project name in your workflows like:

props.add_site_profile("condorpool", "condor", "+ProjectName", "\"TG-NNNNNN\"")

Also note that the OSPool uses a different approach to containers. Instead of using Pegasus’ built in container execution, create non-container jobs, with a property specify the container to use:

props.add_site_profile("condorpool", "condor", "+SingularityImage", "\"/cvmfs/singularity.opensciencegrid.org/htc/rocky:8\"")

More information about containers on the OSPool can be found in the OSG documentation.


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