

IU Jetstream2

Jetstream2 is configured differently from other resource providers (for those, see HTCondor Annex below). The procedure for Jetstream2 includes starting up a special VM instance, providing it with your username and token. To get started, first start a shell on https://access.pegasus.isi.edu . On the shell, run the following two commands and note down the results:

  1. whoami - this will give your username.

  2. cat ~/.condor/pilot.token - this will output your token. Note that it is probably longer than you terminal, but it really one long line without any linebreaks.

One you have those pieces of information, use your web browser to go to Jetstream2 Exosphere. If you haven’t already done so, add your allocation. Now click the top right button Create and select to start a new instance. Click By Image, and search for ACCESS-Pegasus-Worker. Click Create Instance. You can now pick a size - base this on your workload. For example, if you have high memory tasks, start an instance with more memory.

An important step here is to select Show for Advanced Options. In the Boot Script, find the runcmd: section, and right before it, add a new section using the values from the earlier shell session:

bootcmd: - /opt/ACCESS-Pegasus-Jetstream2/bin/vm-conf [USERNAME] [TOKEN]

An example what this can look like is:

Click Create. The instance will now start and register back to ACCESS Pegasus. After a few minutes, go back to the shell on ACCESS Pegasus, and run condor_status - this should show your instance and it means it is ready for work.

Once you are done running your workload, the instance will go away automatically. It will shutdown after 30 minutes of not seeing any new jobs.

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