2023-05-31 Meeting notes


May 31, 2023

 Participants - Roll Call

  • @John-Paul Navarro Nathan Tolbert @Dina Meek @Dinuka De Silva @Conner Saeli Christine Golus @Julie Ma @Andrew Pasquale Emily Cedar @Greg Dean














Github Set up






Style Guide - buttons






NSF logo to the left of the block text



Top Nav




  • links are fixed so Matt can use a single cookie

JP and Q were going to work on getting that set up and all this team’s work (Style Guide, etc.) will be available there.

  • Matt has access to Github space; will set up files as they become ready

Q to expand Style Guide to show the various style of buttons in various sizes to give more options for the hierarchy on a page in terms of desired action

  • done


Q will add size/scale


Q will update and load to GitHub

Can we set a date for us all to have the same navigation?

  • Icons

  • Dropdowns

  • Login

    • Logout

Operations manages identity and login

We can’t do much once you get to CILogon because we don’t have control over it

  • Preference would be that when you click “Login” you would go directly to the CILogon page

Upon logout, where should people be directed? They should also get some type of message letting them know they’ve been logged out.

  • Team thought it would be best, for now, to go to a landing page that shows you’ve been logged out


Nathan: we would like to have the documentation in Github before we get developers started


















Dina to make sure we have the final correct links for AUP, CoC and Privacy Policy


Q to get their accounts set up for CILogon to understand the flow


Dina to invite Jim Basney from CILogon to our next meeting



@Greg Dean to see if Google Analytics can run with Google Tag Manager for XDMoD

Able to do it, just not a priority for his team right now




Review Decision Tracker

 Action items

Q will create a PDF of the Style Guide and load to GitHub

@Dina Meek to determine what links are final - and share with Q - for footers: AUP, CoC, PP

@Dina Meek to invite a CILogon team member to our next meeting

