Questions Posted in Zoom Chat


A question / comment for at the end of the allocations update: one of the slides showed 7.1 days median time to first usage. How is that tabulated? Is there more granular data available? We have data from other systems about Open OnDemand significantly improving that time and would be interested in seeing if there is a difference between the RPs currently with OOD vs. ones without it installed currently.


Comment / question for Winona: The Open OnDemand team as part of the Support track is also looking at AI Chatbots. We weren't aware Operations was looking at this. We should coordinate some

As chair of the pearc steering committee I'd be happy to have a discussion about use of our mailing list.


One general observation regarding comms stuff is that I think most of our comms contain too much 'inside baseball' content and terminology. The community and public view us very differently than how we view ourselves. We should try to meet them where they are.