RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart
MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v),
Alana Romanella, Jim GriffioenCONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl
Tom Furlani (v), Joe WhiteRP: Jeremy Fischer (v)
EAB: Chuck Pavloski
John Towns (v), Amit Majumdar ,Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon BradleyNSF: Sharon Geva, Puri Bangalore
Guest Speaker: Winona Snapp-Childs
(v) indicates a voting member
Decisions made during the meeting:
Use Decision Macro - Tool (under Insert Elements in the tool bar)
Report from Winona Snapp-Childs - Ticketing Standing Committee (5-10 mins)
Review of their Purpose - evaluate if the current system is meeting the needs of the community
Discovering and Prioritizing solutions
Envision new ways the ticketing system can provide more insight into the project, increase users' Science productivity
Key Stakeholders
Pertinent Info
Community Surveys - 2024 and 2025
changed from what was used in XSEDE - moved to Jira Service Management
rankings went from a 4.3 to a 4.9 after switch
What have they been doing - and where they are going
Who would be willing to be a co-chair? They would like to do this more effectively - Shelley can have Alana be co-chair
Stephen - should an RP be a co-chair? - Chuck P please discuss this when you get together with Winona
NSF request - there is a form for Access Staff to communicate with Access staff - available thru a drop down window - and sending inquiries / ticket info via incorrect space and provided incorrect metadata on the ticket - takes an admin person to fix it (due to Atlassian setup) - can restrict access to form - but it is available to new resource providers and they are struggling to determine a way to address
Sharon - discussed request about surveys - her input was only to reduce the number of surveys - include it in the main one or gather a different way
Winona - they are getting info from a study group and doing RP interviews - and not doing a mass survey
Sharon agrees that interviews is a good way to get info
Jeremy - it is OK and expected to survey RPs - and they do want to be involved and have input in the system - is willing to co-chair
Puri - Would members of the RAC be good candidates for this Ticketing UI/UX survey?
Approval of summaries from prior EC meeting Stephen Deems (5 mins)
no objections
Consent Agenda (Outline and Example) Stephen Deems (5-10 mins)
Outline / Format
Approval of summaries from prior EC meeting
Informational Items from Teams
Teams work to update asynchronously between EC meetings
Pressing items can be requested to be discussed during the EC meeting, if needed
Anything major due from the EC
e.g. Quarterly Reports
Anything that’s outstanding in the email realm for the EC
Upcoming events
Recognition or acknowledgement of efforts by staff or groups
Example for this EC Meeting
Approval of summaries from prior EC meeting
Informational Items from teams
RP Forum Jeremy Fischer
Allocations Stephen Deems
More On-Ramp deployments are out there!
Going to start promoting more broadly.
MATCH Shelley Knuth/Alana/Jim
CONECT Tim Boerner/Leslie
MMS Tom Furlani
EAB Chuck P
OpenCI John Towns
NSF Sharon and Puri
Quarterly Reports are due today, January 21
In addition to quarterly risk reviews
EAB Orientation
Friday, January 31 @ Noon ET
Draft slides are due by January 28 EC meeting
Email threads
Send your ACCESS Program Staff List to Shannon/Lavanya
Send your team’s Organizational Chart to Shannon/Lavanya
Upcoming Meetings & Events
NAIRR Pilot Portal Meeting
February 4-5 - La Jolla, CA
NAIRR Pilot Annual Meeting
February 19-21 - Arlington VA
Leadership Resource Allocation Committee (LRAC) Meeting
February 24-25 - Austin, TX
ACCESS Allocations Review Committee (AARC) Meeting
March 10 - Virtual Meeting
March 18 - Rosemont, IL
ACCESS Quarterly Meeting
March 19-20 - Rosemont, IL
CASC Meeting
March 25-27 - Reston, VA
Support RP Meeting
April 1 - Denver, CO
NAIRR AI Workshop
April 2-3 - Denver, CO
Teams would be asked to populate by EOB the day before the EC meeting
EC Program Milestones Stephen Deems (1 min)
Teams can consider removing/closing those that are better-suited for other times/places to track
Will move to consent agenda in subsequent weeks
Working Group and Standing Committees Organizational Updates - Chuck P (3 mins)
WG/SC status update reports to EC from every group scheduled
Quarterly Meeting Agenda - Stephen Deems (10-15 mins)
Currently have ~12 hours of topics on the draft agenda
Thoughts on current or additional sessions?
Organizational Chart / Organizational Structure? (Shannon)
Support Videos? (Shelley)
Next steps
PY4 Plans - Stephen Deems (10 minutes)
What’s going to be our big success(es) in next year’s review?
Which program goals would we like to prioritize in this coming year?
What are our key priorities
Teams will be asked to produce a single-slide overview of the PY4 plans at the February 18 EC meeting.
Quarterly and Annual Meetings To Do Follow Ups Items (10 mins)
RP Forum Jeremy Fischer
Allocations Stephen Deems
More On-Ramps in the wild: TAMU, Keystone REN, U Central Florida
MATCH Shelley Knuth/Alana/Jim
CONECT Tim Boerner/Leslie
MMS Tom Furlani
EAB Chuck P
EAB Orientation Meeting slides being developed, due to EAB by Jan 27th for review in time for Jan 28th EC meeting
Orientation to be held on January 31st, 2025 at 12 PM to 2 PM EST
OpenCI John Towns
no report - John is on travel away from computer
NSF Sharon and Puri
Misc Topics:
Next EC Meeting: 28th January 2025 - next week Evaluations will be presenting
Risk Register:
Project Change Request: