2022-10-03 NSF-OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Jay Alameda, Shawn Strande, Ron Payne, John Towns, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen

  • Absent: Cynthia Dillon, Cindy Wong, Lizanne DeStefano, Lavanya Podila


  • New inputs or feedback from community, teams, or NSF

    • Per NSF Policy Office: U.S. Graduate students included in ‘qualified individual for an NSF grant’. ACCESS Allocation info indicates, “Graduate students are eligible to be PIs for entry-level awards, with an advisor letter“, Tom indicated we may want to change “advisor letter” to “letter of collaboration from their advisor”, to align with the NSF policy.

  • Foci/scope of the week

    • ACO PEP Status

  • Open or Emerging Risks/Issues

    • Opportunity: (Tom) There is a growing portfolio of awards for CI professional development. Other NSF Program Officers have had a positive response to have ACCESS approach these awardees to work closely with ACCESS MATCH. MATCH received supplemental funding to cover training activities.

    • John would like to collect a managed list of all NSF awards that include working with ACCESS. The ACO can maintain this list and facilitate making the appropriate connections. Tom to send the beginnings of the list.

  • Successes or achievements

    • Ratified EAB Charter in EC last week.

    • Codes of conduct sent out for review by EC.

  • Planned Events

    • SC22 Planning

      • Working on the plan and definition of booth activities and booth volunteer sign-up

      • John was able to make progress on the co-located event. Looking for 90 minute slot with estimated attendance of 100.

      • Need to explore CSSN messaging for SC22. MATCH would need to provide direction. Dina to raise the topic with the cross-track Communications group.

      • Tom to provide info on OAC staff that will be at SC22 as reference for ACCESS staff to provide to ACCESS booth visitors. Looks like 3-4 will attend but do not have the schedule yet.

      • Tom to share any details or examples of the types of communications campaigns.

    • John to give a keynote at SGCI in a couple weeks

    • Stephen Deems to give an ACCESS presentation at CASC during the same time as SGCI keynote

  • Financial considerations

    • None

  • Misc:


Next Meeting: 10 Oct 2022