Present: John Towns, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen, Lavanya Podila, Jay Alameda, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Sharon Geva, Shannon Bradley, Kim Mann Bruch
Updates from NSF (5 minutes)
Tom -
Quarterly project report - want to make sure it is settled
NAIRR - could make us busier - waiting for more definition while not over committing
maintain awareness of what we need to fix and be fixing them
could possibly take on more work
Pilot of a Pilot
Community Driven Design
Trustworthy AI - Model Development
- transparency - data sharing - no sequestering
Katie and everyone - talking about metrics being important
Will move fast once it is organized - possibly next year
What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 minutes)
Area updates (10+ minutes)
WG - doing a sprint to help better direct newcomers to understand ACCESS and how to get started
Science stories - Kim jumping right in with her first stories
Survey building underway; hoping to launch in Sept.
PEARC - we have a list of opt-ins that we’ll be adding to our ACCESS Advance mailing lists
SC - heavily engaged with creating content for our booth (videos, print materials, swag)
Strategy - will restart Comms and CBE meetings with Jay and Kim
Community Engagement;
reworking Community Building and Engagement plan based on input received, will be working this with the CB&E group tomorrow
Project Office;
Pulsed the EAB on having a Chair/Co-Chair. Consensus is it would be a good idea, though a couple members expressed concern about excess administrative work.
Next Meeting: 28th August 2023