Present: Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Ron Payne, Lizanne DeStefano, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila
Debrief on EC meeting John Towns
Cybersecurity Governance Council (CGC) charter discussed.
Launch status discussed. Startup phase is largely over but there are a few outliers.
EAB timeline is discuss identified topics on 13 Sept. and vote to approve at 20 Sept. meeting.
SC22 plan to be discussed at next EC meeting.
May want to ask for a co-located informational event, Dina to follow-up
NSF provided the initial outline from Tom Gulbransen for first report. This is being reviewed by PIs and will be discussed at the next EC meeting.
EAB Updates Shawn Strande
Briefly explained the timeline to EC.
Includes 4 week nomination period.
Target is to hold the initial EAB meeting in December.
Form created for nominations.
Communications UpdateDina Meek
Uniform footer will be implemented soon
Creating a process/tool for tracking all changes to all ACCESS websites
Branding request to use the track specific logos for track specific communications and the general ACCESS logo for program-level communications. To be raised to the EC at the EC meeting.
Emails to the community (pre-newsletter communications)
Not a lot from tracks, so far.
Idea for next email: Allocations requests window opening soon (15 Sept)
Idea for next email: Support’s Knowledge Base
Add Communication topics to ACO informational section of next week’s EC.
Communicating important news to the ACCESS user communityUsing Constant Contact coded linksSC22
Plan for booth, swag, events, communications, etc.
Draft SC communications plan in the works
Community Engagement UpdateJay Alameda
First ACCESS Community Building and Engagement meeting scheduled for Sept 13, 2022, 10AM CDT
Initial goals - for each track -
For each track:
Identify communities
Share community building and engagement plans from each track + ACO
especially understanding desired outcomes from each track's efforts
Review possibility/likelihood of developing a charter for this virtual community building and engagement team, and seeking EC approval and input
Initiate development of ACCESS Community Building and Engagement plan
OpenCI PEP Update John Towns
Awaiting Tom Gulbransen feedback
Evaluation Update Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed)
Track Evaluators: Track 1: Dave Hart, Track 2: TBD, Track 3: Winona Snapp-Childs, Track 4: Tom Furlani
Meeting held with Lizanne, Shawn & Lisa (external evaluator). She would like to introduce herself to the EC. Lizanne and Shawn to meet with Lisa every other week.
Next Meeting: 14 September 2022