\uD83D\uDC65 Participants
Lead: Dina Meek & John Towns
\uD83E\uDD45 Topics
PEARC’22 - Need to work out details of the Tuesday Lunch session and Thursday panel
Tue ACCESS PI Panel session 90 mins
Thurs ACCESS PI Panel session will be closing session for PEARC (2 hours)
SC’22 - ACCESS involvement at SC’22. Exhibit staffing? BoF (deadline is July 1)?
Booth transitioning from XSEDE to ACCESS and SC’22 booth space secured for ACCESS
which of the awardee institutions have a booth at SC and what can they do to promote ACCESS?
Communicating to research community
Website domain - Any updates on name, lease expenses, etc.
PIs discussing use of “access.org”, or “access-ci.org”
XSEDE website hosting - Who will host the XSEDE website once it’s sunsetted? Currently TACC hosts
ACCESS Website
Track 2 has many questions and would like to discuss what is on the umbrella site vs portal
ACO expects to build the main site with sub-sites that each will be maintained by the tracks
The platform for the website (e.g. WordPress, Drupal, etc.) needs to be discussed and defined
We will need to make sure APIs exist to allow interaction
An idea would be to have a potion of the website that resource providers control/use.
✅ Action items (Owner)
- Platform for the website (e.g. WordPress, Drupal, etc.) needs to be discussed and defined
- John to work with PIs to determine if we want request a session for SC’22 (John Towns)
⤴ Decisions
- access.org was chosen by track PIs as domain, and access-ci.org will redirect to access.org.