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Present: Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Shannon Bradley, Lisa Kaczmarczyk

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. EC Meeting Debrief

    1. 2024-04-02 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

      1. shared review slides are almost done

      2. should review survey results sooner than the next review because our review is not until June and

  2. Review Action Items


  1. Quarterly Report end game

  1. Responses to comments from Sharon and Tom RE IPR and PEP

  2. Updates

    1. John Towns

    2. Shawn Strande

    3. Cindy Wong

    4. Dina Meek

      1. Shawn/John - need the ACO’s voice in the PY2 Highlights book …we’re starting to write it now (also missing Support…I’ve asked 2 or 3 times)

    5. Kimberly Mann Bruch

    6. Lavanya Podila

    7. Shannon Bradley

      1. Requesting to confirm moving 2 new Risks into review:

        1. Jira Legacy
          serverSystem Jira
          - trigger: elimination of the Community Engagement and Outreach group

          1. this also triggers a Project Change Request -

            Jira Legacy
            serverSystem Jira

        2. Jira Legacy
          serverSystem Jira
          - trigger: February Quarterly Meeting - groups not understanding charters and the communication and approval process - we are improving the SOP

      2. Discuss Creating a sample Agenda and discuss strategy for determining if something should be a meeting or not.

        1. Transforming Meetings: 5 Game Changing Strategies Adopted by Teams to Improve Productivity

Next Meeting: 10th April 2024

Action Tracker:

Use Action Item Macro to track assigned To Do Items - check the box when it is complete


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