- Shawn Strande - have meeting with Evaluation WG next week
- John Towns Shannon Bradley - work on sub-award to transfer travel funds to SDSC
- John Towns - pull info from PMP out to the wiki and then close PMP task
- Shawn Strande - Program Wide Mtg Actions and Decisions Recording (Boulder meeting) - will update the docs with the rest of the notes he has
- Shannon Bradley - follow up on getting Program Wide Mtg Actions and Decisions Recording (PEARC meeting) recorded - https://access-ci.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACP/pages/271908868/2023-07-27+ACCESS+Colocated+Event+PEARC+23
- Shannon Bradley - pull out action items from NSF eval doc to create summary - see wiki link above
- Shannon Bradley - schedule meeting to review Confluence for improving organization - John, Lavanya, and Cindy