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  • Communications UpdateDina Meek

  • Community Engagement UpdateJay Alameda

    • Update to ACCESS New User Guide (working draft at )

    • Evaluation (measuring community building and engagement effectiveness):

      • Community Survey - re-engineering survey seems to make sense, especially given the diverse nature of the community - this is our one chance to make a quality connection to the various facets of the community:

        • Communities and Incentives (Background)

          • Overarching: can broadly think about communities being either consumers or providers of services and resources

          • Allocations

            • Providers:

              • Resource providers providing allocable resources and providing proposal review capacity for lower-tier awards

              • Community of reviewers for largest-tier allocations

              • Potential Incentives for Providers: Coordinated access to broad community of researchers who could benefit from your resource

            • Consumers:

              • Research community needing access to resources to support their research

              • Potential Incentives for Consumers: access to resources to be able to conduct research and education.

          • Support

            • Providers:

              • CI providers contributing to CSSN (proscribed by solicitation: Cybertraining CIP (now SCIPE CIP), others need to be incentivized to participate: others could include things like CSSI awardees, novel resource providers (that are not already integrating with ACCESS as a term of their cooperative agreement), campuses, ….

              • Campus champions

              • Match participants

              • Potential Incentives for Providers: community grant pilot, supporting conference participation through substantial contributions to the CSSN

            • Consumers:

              • Research community needing access to resources to support their research

              • Potential Incentives for Consumers: access to support to be able to conduct research and education, both self-serve access to CSSN and documentation, as well as higher level of Match support (Match Plus and Match Premier)

          • Operations

            • Providers

              • Not sure we’ve discussed this yet

            • Consumers

              • Resource providers, including novel resource providers and CC* regional computing awardees

              • Interns: students wanting to learn how to be CI professionals

              • Potential Incentives for Consumers: 

                •  Coordinated access to broad community of researchers who could benefit from your resource

          • Measurement and Metrics:

            • Providers

              • Resource providers

              • Potential incentives for providers: 

                • Provide visibility into impact of your resource for the research community

            • Consumers

              • Funding agencies

              • Resource providers

              • Potential Incentive for consumers: Access to uniform information about resource usage along many dimensions

              • Limited information for users, including job data -

      • Data Sources: what can we use to understand the community:

        • What data are we collecting today? Where is the data located?

          • XDMOD, portal databases, …

        • What enhancements to the data do we need?

        • What do we need in order to conduct studies on the data? (eg, any IRB approvals needed?)

      • Challenges and opportunities:

        • How do we reach people outside of the 50,000 we already know about, for example:

          • Resource providers that would not normally think of coming to something like access to be integrated, allocated, measured, etc

          • cyberinfrastructure providers such as software projects

          • researchers and educators that simply do not have a national, open cyberinfrastructure organization in their view as something that could help with their research and education efforts.

        • We may need to think strategically about recruiting opportunities, for example:

          • Identify key program (such as CSSI or CyberTraining) PI meetings that we could ask for an invitation, and opportunity to present and more importantly discuss opportunities for projects to have a quality relationship with ACCESS.

  • Project Office & Tools Update Ron Payne

    • Risk register is ready for use. ACO will

  • Misc items


Next Meeting: 21 December 2022?
