Consent Agenda Stephen Deems (5 mins) New items listed IN RED.
Approval of summaries from prior EC meeting
Informational Items
RP Forum Jeremy Fischer
Allocations Stephen Deems
MATCH Shelley Knuth/Alana/Jim
CONECT Tim Boerner/Leslie
MMS Tom Furlani EAB Chuck
working on the week of Sept 8th (tues-wed, or wed-thursday) for the in person quarterly meeting in Buffalo
Plan to submit a paper to PEARC on Data Driven CI System Design and Procurement with Open XDMoD
EAB @Chuck P
OpenCI John Towns
NSF Sharon and Puri
Send blackout or availability dates for Annual Reviews to Sharon/Puri
Send your ACCESS Program Staff List to Shannon/Lavanya
Send your team’s Organizational Chart to Shannon/Lavanya
Quarterly Meeting Planning Team assembling to schedule the flow of the meeting
Chance of “Homework” assignments for teams to ensure productive sessions
Upcoming Meetings & Events
NAIRR Pilot Portal Meeting
February 4-5 - La Jolla, CA
NAIRR Pilot Annual Meeting
February 19-21 - Arlington VA
Leadership Resource Allocation Committee (LRAC) Meeting
February 24-25 - Austin, TX
ACCESS Allocations Review Committee (AARC) Meeting
March 10 - Virtual Meeting
March 18 - Rosemont, IL
ACCESS Quarterly Meeting
March 19-20 - Rosemont, IL
CASC Meeting
March 25-27 - Reston, VA
Support RP Meeting
April 1 - Denver, CO
NAIRR AI Workshop
April 2-3 - Denver, CO
RMACC Meeting
May 20-22 - Boulder, CO
User Profiles - NSF Status Updates Joseph White (15 mins)
Report from Evaluation WG - David Hart (15 mins)
Shannon: draft tracking page started in Confluence: Sandbox: ACCESS Program Wide Metrics
EAB Orientation Slides - Chuck P (5-10mins)
PEARC’25 Tutorials / Workshop Plans (10 mins)
Requested Topics for Next Meeting: