Dakota State University
Timezone: Eastern Central U.S.
Friday 1/ |
31 from 11-1 | Friday 1/31 from 2-4 | Monday |
2/ |
3 from 2-4 | Friday |
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7 from 11-1 | Friday |
2/ |
7 from 2-4 |
Campus Champion, CIT
Senior Systems Analyst & Director of Research TechnologyAssociate Professor, Predictive Analytics for Decision-making, Programming for Data Analytics (Python), Business Intelligence & Visualization, Deep Learning
Via sign up form:
Please describe your experience with supercomputing
I have never used a supercomputer
How should we address you?
Please describe your experience using advanced research computing?
I am the sysadmin for our campus shared, remote access Lambda workstation for HPC-lite tasks. I am an OSG user, but haven't done more than explore my login node.Limited experience of using advanced research computing, such as HPC, Linux, GPU environment
If you've used ACCESS, what allocation level did you start with?
Not applicable
What have you used or hope to use the ACCESS website to do?
Request an explore allocation, document the process, evangelize ACCESS to my campus, and help my campus community use ACCESSGain information about ACCESS resources such as training courses, HPC, grant opportunities etc.
Remind us what your role is, as it applies to working with ACCESS:
Educator (Campus Champion)
What is your research domain?
No answer
What one thing do you appreciate most about the program?
I especially appreciate the support that I can direct my campus community to, as my institution is so small that my research computing support role is only half FTE.Resource-sharing and training opprotunities
What one thing would you change about the program?
I'm not sure yet! This is a little silly but I'm someone who struggles to update their CV, so the CV requirement for Explore allocations has been a barrier for my brain.Creating more local (such as small Midwest institutions) meetups and program
Interview guide:
60–90 minute interview. Each task will take approximately 5-10 minutes.
Login, introductions, set up screen share
Task 1: Where would you go to find out what type of research is being conducted using ACCESS? Is your area of research/study/classroom activity represented on the ACCESS website?
Interview notes hereTask 2: Where can you find information specifically targeted for you?
Interview notes hereTask 3: Are you eligible to use ACCESS? Where can you find eligibility requirements?
Interview notes hereTask 4: Find information about the cost to use ACCESS.
Interview notes hereTask 5: What is an ACCESS resource? Where can you find the type of resources that are available through ACCESS? How would you select an ACCESS resource?
Interview notes hereTask 6: What is an allocation? What are allocation projects and what types are available to you?
Interview notes hereTask 7: Where would you go to find the definition of an unfamiliar term or phrase used in ACCESS?
Interview notes hereTask 8: Where can you go for help to use the ACCESS system?
Interview notes hereTask 9: If you want to get involved and volunteer with the ACCESS community where would you go?
Interview notes hereTask 10: What’s the first step to get started using ACCESS?
Interview notes hereIf there is additional time: What type of HPC resources are your stakeholders looking for?
After our interview would you be willing to review this page?
Suggest any information that might be added or deleted using this form: