VM01: Directly set resource exchange rate
Resource Providers (RPs) should be able to directly set the exchange rate for resources
Proposed by: PSC
RP User Experience:
Resource Providers will log into a RP-specific page that lists all their resources with their baseline exchange rates.
Within this page, RPs will be able to see the original computed exchange rate, history of their exchange rate, and the current baseline exchange rate.
This rate should be editable, allowing the RP to directly set it.
VM02: Time-bounded “sale” rate
Resource Providers (RPs) should be able to set a “sale” price for a limited amount of time, with the goal of attracting users. This would be defined for a certain range of dates that would automatically revert at the end of the date range. For this to be useful, the allocation-request interface will need to highlight the “sale” price so that users are aware of it.
Proposed by: IU, PSC
RP User Experience:
Resource Providers will log into a RP-specific page that lists all their resources with their baseline exchange rates.
RPs will have a interface that allows them to set a new temporary exchange rate, along with a date range that this exchange rate will be in effect.
(optional) RPs will be able to specify a short description of why the exchange rate is temporarily changed.
At the end of the specified time period, the exchange rate will revert to the default baseline exchange rate.
Researcher User Experience:
Upon viewing the “exchange credits” interface, some sort of visual indicator should be presented to the researcher that the specified resource has a temporarily discounted rate.
Additional details should be available to to the user that wishes to learn more (timespan of the discount, current rate, original rate, etc).
Once an exchange is requested with the discounted rate, that will be “locked in” for that exchange request, as long as the exchange request is submitted during the discounted time period.
VM03: Tagged allocations with special rates
Resource Providers (RPs) should be able to define a sub-type of allocation that will have its own separate exchange rate. These sub-types would be defined by the RP, with a particular tag and description. The meaning and characteristics of the sub-type would be entirely enforced on the RP’s resource. An example would include the ability to request a low-priority or preemptible allocation at a lower exchange rate.
Proposed by: IU, PSC
RP User Experience:
Resource Providers will log into a RP-specific page that lists all their resources with their baseline exchange rates.
RP has the option to create a new tagged allocation type, including a textual tag, a new rate, active dates, and a researcher-friendly description of the characteristics and limitations that will be enforced on allocations of this type.
When allocations are awarded of this new sub-type, this tag is communicated to the RP through AMIE, allowing the RP to apply whatever characteristics or limitations are appropriate.
Researcher User Experience:
Upon viewing the “exchange credits” interface, if the user selects the resource in question, they will be presented with the option to select the tagged allocation type.
The limitations and characteristics of this type MUST be clearly and noticeably communicated to the user. The user should not be able to accidentally select the tagged allocation type and be confused when their allocation comes with specific limitations.
If the user has questions about the limitations of the allocation type, they will be able to get support directly from the RP.
Throughout ACCESS interfaces, the tagged sub-type of the allocation should be displayed to the user when viewing information about their allocation. It should be immediately obvious everywhere that this isn’t a “normal” allocation
ACCESS staff user experience:
When viewing this allocation in various ACCESS tools (particularly XRAS), it must be immediately obvious to ACCESS staff that this is a special tagged allocation.
ACCESS Staff will not provide support for the limitations of tagged allocations, and will expect RPs to handle support question for them.
Suggested Requirements:
RPs would have a UI to specify a tagged type of allocation (eg “pre-emptible instance”), along with a description of what that tag means, and an exchange rate for that type. (the UI should also show the default exchange rate for comparison)
When the user selects the resource, they should be shown something that indiciates that a discount is available if they select the special tagged type, and the description should be prominently shows (so the user understands the restrictions or special rules of that allocation tag)
These tags should flow through XRAS to XACCT and AMIE, so the RP can handle the special allocation appropriately.
IU is interested in this, but doesn’t currently have the infrastructure in place to even support these preemptible instances, so this is a “maybe we could use this eventually” as opposed to a “we’d love to have this now” feature.
Rates that require usage during certain time period
Interested: PSC
This is similar to a time-limited sale, and tagged allocations, but PSC would like to be able to say “here’s the price if you use your allocation in the next 3 months”
DEI-based discounts
Interested: TACC
Provide discounted rates based on institution classification or PI’s demographics selections. For example, possibly a different rate for HBCU’s
Special one-off PI-based discounts
Interested: TACC
Provide discounted rate for a specific PI. (similar to invite-only opportunities in XRAS)