Variable Marketplace Use cases

Variable Marketplace Use cases

VM01: Directly set resource exchange rate


Resource Providers (RPs) should be able to directly set the exchange rate for resources




Base functionality is in place, needs cleanup.
Introduced by: PSC


Resource Providers

RP User Experience:

  • Resource Providers log into a RP-specific page that lists all their resources with their baseline exchange rates.

  • Within this page, RPs will be able to see the original computed exchange rate, history of their exchange rate, and the current baseline exchange rate.

  • The RP directly sets the new exchange rate(s) in this interface. The old exchange rate is saved for historical reference.

Success Criteria

At the conclusion of this use case, the RP will have set their resource’s exchange rate, which will be reflected across all ACCESS interfaces.

VM02: Time-bounded “sale” rate


Resource Providers (RPs) should be able to set a “sale” price for a limited amount of time, with the goal of attracting users. This would be defined for a certain range of dates that would automatically revert at the end of the date range. For this to be useful, the allocation-request interface will need to highlight the “sale” price so that users are aware of it.


Base functionality is in place, needs cleanup.
Introduced by: IU, PSC




Resource Providers, Researchers

RP User Experience:

  • Resource Providers logs into a RP-specific page that lists all their resources with their baseline exchange rates.

  • RPs make use of an interface that allows them to set a new temporary exchange rate, along with a date range that this exchange rate will be in effect.

  • (optional) RPs will specify a short description of why the exchange rate is temporarily changed.

  • The RP will later use the same interface to edit the dates, including extending or ending the discount early.

  • At the end of the specified time period, the exchange rate will revert to the default baseline exchange rate.

  • Later, when evaluating transfers, RPs will be informed if the user purchased the credits with a reduced rate, to help inform decisions about transfers between resources. (to avoid abuse of the system)

Researcher User Experience:

  • Upon viewing the “exchange credits” interface, some sort of visual indicator is be presented to the researcher that the specified resource has a temporarily discounted rate.

  • Additional details are available to to the user that wishes to learn more (timespan of the discount, current rate, original rate, etc).

  • Once an exchange is requested with the discounted rate, that will be “locked in” for that exchange request, as long as the exchange request is submitted during the discounted time period.

  • Discounted rates should also appear in another of other places (Available Resources page, etc). See use case VM05.

Success Criteria

At the conclusion of this use case, the RP will have created a time-bounded special price, which will be displayed to researches in the Allocations portal, and be available for exchanges that occur within the specified timespan. The special time-bounded price will also expire and revert to the regular price at the conclusion of that time period.

VM03: Tagged allocations with special rates


Resource Providers (RPs) should be able to define a sub-type of allocation that will have its own separate exchange rate. These sub-types would be defined by the RP, with a particular tag and description. The meaning and characteristics of the sub-type would be entirely enforced on the RP’s resource. An example would include the ability to request a low-priority or preemptible allocation at a lower exchange rate.


Introduced by: IU, PSC


Low due to Allocations and RP implementation concerns, not convinced ROI would be worth it. Could provide guidance to RPs to handle via Slurm


Resource Providers, Researchers, ACCESS Staff

RP User Experience:

  • Resource Providers will log into a RP-specific page that lists all their resources with their baseline exchange rates.

  • RP has the option to create a new tagged allocation type, including a textual tag, a new rate, active dates, and a researcher-friendly description of the characteristics and limitations that will be enforced on allocations of this type.

  • When allocations are awarded of this new sub-type, this tag is communicated to the RP through AMIE, allowing the RP to apply whatever characteristics or limitations are appropriate.

  • The RP can use the same interface to edit the special allocation, including changing the dates, ending the discount, and changing the textual description. (changing the tag is not supported)

Researcher User Experience:

  • Upon viewing the “exchange credits” interface, if the user selects the resource in question, they will be presented with the option to select the tagged allocation type.

  • The limitations and characteristics of this type MUST be clearly and noticeably communicated to the user. The user should not be able to accidentally select the tagged allocation type and be confused when their allocation comes with specific limitations.

  • If the user has questions about the limitations of the allocation type, they will be able to get support directly from the RP.

  • Throughout ACCESS interfaces, the tagged sub-type of the allocation should be displayed to the user when viewing information about their allocation. It should be immediately obvious everywhere that this isn’t a “normal” allocation

ACCESS staff user experience:

  • When viewing this allocation in various ACCESS tools (particularly XRAS), it must be immediately obvious to ACCESS staff that this is a special tagged allocation.

  • ACCESS Staff will not provide support for the limitations of tagged allocations, and will expect RPs to handle support question for them.

Success Criteria

At the conclusion of this use case, the RP will have created a special tagged allocation, which will be displayed to researches in the Allocations portal, and be available for exchanges. Researchers will be presented with sufficient information that they will understand the qualifications of this allocation type. Once an exchange with this tagged allocation type is approved, the RP will receive notification in an AMIE packet.

VM04: Institutional DEI-based discounts



Resource Providers (RPs) should be able to define a separate rate for specific institutional types, to provide discounted resources to institutions that may be under-served.


Introduced by: TACC


Medium, requires more work. Is this legal? Do this in conjunction with on-ramps. Would need to research legalities.


Resource Providers, Researchers

RP User Experience:

  • Resource Providers will log into a RP-specific page that lists all their resources with their baseline exchange rates.

  • RP has the option to create a new rate, selecting from various institutional categories, such as by carnegie classification and category, HBCU’s, etc. This discounted rate will optionally have a start/end date and textual description that the RP can provide.

  • The RP can use the same interface to edit the discounted rate, including changing the dates, ending the discount, changing the included classifications, and changing the textual description.


Researcher User Experience:

  • Upon viewing the “exchange credits” interface, if the user is from a institution that is part of a discounted rate, and selects the resource in question, they will be presented with the discounted rate, and an informative message explaining why they get the discounted rate.

Success Criteria

At the conclusion of this use case, the RP will have created a discount based on institutional criteria, which will be displayed to researches in the Allocations portal, and be available for exchanges. Researchers will be presented with sufficient information that they will understand the reason for this special rate. This rate will not be available to users from non-qualifying institutions.


VM05: Researchers should be able to see discounted rates



Potential researches, who are coming to the allocations portal to request an allocation, should see discounted rates displayed in relevant places (exchange screen, available resource listing, etc).


Matt is working on this now
Introduced by: Ramps





Researcher User Experience:

  • A researcher coming to the allocations portal will be able to find information about discounted rates, in various areas including but not limited to the following:

  • In the available resources page, discounted rates should be shown alongside each resource.

  • In the exchange interface, discounted rates should be advertised

  • Discounted rates should be advertised in applicable news sources (email news, or front-page banners)

  • In each situation, only discounts that could be applicable to the user should be shown (eg, a researcher should not see DEI-based discounts that are not available to that researcher)

  • Each situation should provide a way for the researcher to learn more about the specifics of that discount (description, available dates, qualifications for using the discount, etc)

Success Criteria

At the conclusion of this use case, the researcher will have been made aware of available discounts, and provided with opportunities for learning more about them.

VM06: Resource Providers should be able to see rates across the marketplace


In order to be able to make informed decisions about the exchange rates for their own resources, RPs should have an interface for viewing the exchange rates for all resources in the ACCESS Marketplace


Proposed - create table




Resource Providers

RP User Experience:

  • The resource provider will navigate to a page on the ACCESS portal that will display information about the rates across all ACCESS-allocated resources

  • From this page, additional information may be provided, such as the history of the exchange rates, and any current discounts.

  • This may be handled as part of the VM05 interface, or might be a completely new RP-focused interface. This is to be determined.

Success Criteria

At the conclusion of this use case, the RP will be well-informed of the exchange rates across the ACCESS marketplace, to aid in setting their exchange rates in VM01 and VM02.


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