Software on ACCESS Centers Grouped by Software Name

Software on ACCESS Centers Grouped by Software Name

The following is information about which ACCESS resource providers (i.e. centers, computers, RPs, clusters, providers, resources) have particular software applications installed:

The center TAMU ACES has the dorado software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), TAMU ACES, and Indiana Jetstream2 have the nvhpc software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) and Purdue Anvil CPU have the libxml2 software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), TAMU ACES, Purdue Anvil GPU, IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the gcc software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the easybuild software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the wannier90 software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the libxcb software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the hprc_utils software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) and Purdue Anvil CPU have the ffmpeg software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, and Purdue Anvil CPU have the visit software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the cudf software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) and Purdue Anvil CPU have the openjdk software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, and Purdue Anvil CPU have the petsc software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the xcb-util-image software installed.

The centers TAMU ACES and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the binutils software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the opencl-clhpp software installed.

The centers TAMU ACES and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the go software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) and IACS at Stony Brook Ookami have the lz4 software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the vasp software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the atlas software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the osu-micro-benchmarks software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), Purdue Anvil GPU, and Purdue Anvil CPU have the parallel software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), Purdue Anvil GPU, IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the netcdf software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and Purdue Anvil GPU have the py-mpi4py software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the vscode software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the autoconf software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), TAMU ACES, Purdue Anvil GPU, Purdue Anvil CPU, UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN), and Indiana Jetstream2 have the anaconda software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), Purdue Anvil CPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the paraview software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and Indiana Jetstream2 have the xalt software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the arpack software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU, Purdue Anvil GPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the emacs software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the qt software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the opencl-c-headers software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), Purdue Anvil GPU, IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the cmake software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the tk software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the nwchem software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), Purdue Anvil GPU, IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the hdf software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), TAMU ACES, IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN), and Indiana Jetstream2 have the r software installed.

The centers IACS at Stony Brook Ookami and Purdue Anvil CPU have the openfoam software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), Purdue Anvil GPU, IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the openblas software installed.

The centers IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the blis software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the libmesh software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) and IACS at Stony Brook Ookami have the libffi software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), TAMU ACES, IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the git software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), TAMU ACES, Purdue Anvil GPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the cuda software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and Purdue Anvil GPU have the hpctoolkit software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the python software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the fftw software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) and TAMU ACES have the cutensor software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the gaussian software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the samtools software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), Purdue Anvil CPU, and Purdue Anvil GPU have the libfabric software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the xz software installed.

The center Indiana Jetstream2 has the apptainer software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), Purdue Anvil CPU, Purdue Anvil GPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the boost software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), Purdue Anvil GPU, IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the gromacs software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the xcb-util-wm software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), Purdue Anvil GPU, IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the lammps software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), Purdue Anvil GPU, IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the openmpi software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and Purdue Anvil GPU have the numactl software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), TAMU ACES, Purdue Anvil GPU, IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN), and Indiana Jetstream2 have the intel software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the imkl software installed.

The centers IACS at Stony Brook Ookami and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the blacs software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the amd-uprof software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the py-gpaw software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and Purdue Anvil GPU have the totalview software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and Purdue Anvil GPU have the visual studio code software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the ecbuild software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the quantum-espresso software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), TAMU ACES, Purdue Anvil CPU, and Purdue Anvil GPU have the zlib software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), TAMU ACES, Purdue Anvil GPU, IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, and Purdue Anvil CPU have the mvapich software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and Purdue Anvil GPU have the texlive software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the aocl software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the iimpi software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the qiime2 software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), TAMU ACES, Purdue Anvil CPU, and Purdue Anvil GPU have the namd software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the charm software installed.

The centers IACS at Stony Brook Ookami and Purdue Anvil GPU have the ucx software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the py-htseq software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the lzo software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the amd-rocm software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the mrbayes software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the eigen software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and Purdue Anvil GPU have the protobuf software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the idl software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the picard software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the meep software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and Purdue Anvil GPU have the swig software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the cryosparc software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and Purdue Anvil GPU have the tcl software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the vcftools software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and Purdue Anvil GPU have the cp2k software installed.

The centers TAMU ACES, Purdue Anvil GPU, Purdue Anvil CPU, UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN), and Indiana Jetstream2 have the matlab software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil GPU has the ngc software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the valgrind software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the trimmomatic software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the sratoolkit software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil GPU and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the cudnn software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the netlib-lapack software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the amber software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the tophat software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the perl-bioperl software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), TAMU ACES, Purdue Anvil GPU, IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, and Purdue Anvil CPU have the julia software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU, Purdue Anvil GPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the mpfr software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and Purdue Anvil GPU have the libtiff software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and Purdue Anvil GPU have the libszip software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and Purdue Anvil GPU have the libiconv software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU, Purdue Anvil GPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the gmp software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), Purdue Anvil GPU, IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, and Indiana Jetstream2 have the aocc software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the fasttree software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and Purdue Anvil GPU have the mpc software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil GPU has the nccl software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the libflame software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the geos software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the py-cutadapt software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the parabricks software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the gatk software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the chimerax software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the fastx-toolkit software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the cufflinks software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the m4 software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the bwa software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the bowtie2 software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the gdal software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the foss software installed.

The centers IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, Purdue Anvil GPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the hwloc software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the vulkansdk software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the libv8 software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the gettext software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the blast-plus software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the all-architectures software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the bismark software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the nvidia/cuda11.7/nvhpc-nompi software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the beast2 software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) and IACS at Stony Brook Ookami have the kokkos software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the beagle software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the bamtools software installed.

The centers IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the gnuplot software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the nvidia/nvhpc software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the null software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the glpk software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the nvidia/cuda11.0/nvhpc-nompi software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the gmt software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the ninja software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the bonnie++ software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the fastqc software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), Purdue Anvil CPU, and Purdue Anvil GPU have the cue-login-env software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the vmd software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the vlc player software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the libseccomp software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the amduprof software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the nco software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the shared software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the cm-setup software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the gfbf software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the proj software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the spice-server software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the spark software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the mpi4py software installed.

The centers TAMU ACES and IACS at Stony Brook Ookami have the ncurses software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the nf-core software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU, Purdue Anvil GPU, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the papi software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the mcr software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the vesta software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the arm/forge software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the qemu software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the hpcx software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the hpc-x software installed.

The centers Purdue Anvil CPU and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the gsl software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the parafly software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), Purdue Anvil CPU, and Purdue Anvil GPU have the modtree software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the hyper-shell software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the ncview software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the cluster-tools software installed.

The centers IACS at Stony Brook Ookami and Purdue Anvil CPU have the octave software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the cdo software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the cmjob software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the monitor software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the module-info software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the miniconda3 software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the nextflow software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the cm-image software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the jdk software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the ncl software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the likwid software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the cmd software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the libx11 software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the ipmitool software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU), IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the llvm software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the hadoop software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the cpe software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) and Purdue Anvil CPU have the gurobi software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) and IACS at Stony Brook Ookami have the mpich software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the gstreamer software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the mathematica software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the kcachegrind software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the nvidia-hpc-sdk software installed.

The centers IACS at Stony Brook Ookami and UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) have the lapack software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the module-git software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the openpmix software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the cm-pmix3 software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the globalarrays/openmpi/gcc/64 software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the pgi software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the grads software installed.

The centers IACS at Stony Brook Ookami, Purdue Anvil CPU, and Purdue Anvil GPU have the gdb software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the armadillo software installed.

The center Purdue Anvil CPU has the learning software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the tensorrt software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) and IACS at Stony Brook Ookami have the gperf software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the scalasca software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the pdt software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the spdlog software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the lua software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the iozone software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the libgd/gcc software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the slurm/slurm software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) and IACS at Stony Brook Ookami have the imagemagick software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the blast+/gcc8 software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the parmetis software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the fujitsu/compiler software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the gnu-parallel software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the .mvapich/gcc13.2 software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the yaml software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the cm-scale software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the freeipmi software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the zluda software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the dot software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the gethost software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the netperf software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the nvidia/cuda11.7/nvhpc-byo-compiler software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the pax-utils software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the opencv software installed.

The centers TAMU ACES and IACS at Stony Brook Ookami have the flex software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the blas/gcc/64 software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the quantumespresso/gcc11.2.0 software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the expat software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the cmsh software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the lldb software installed.

The centers IACS at Stony Brook Ookami and Purdue Anvil GPU have the jupyter software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the libxcrypt software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the default-environment software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the py-pip software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the siesta software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the template software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the sklearn/arm22.1 software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the blast+/gcc11 software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the blast+/arm22.0 software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the glibc software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the fms2/gcc12.1.0 software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the patchelf software installed.

The centers NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) and IACS at Stony Brook Ookami have the htop software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the doxygen software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the libxc/gcc8 software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the spack software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the nvidia/cuda12.0/nvhpc-hpcx software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the opensycl/llvm16.0 software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the slurm-env software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the libunwind software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the tinker-hp software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the xpmem software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the .hide software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the westpa software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the openldap software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the blast+/arm21 software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the aws-cli software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the conda-env software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the libtirpc software installed.

The center IACS at Stony Brook Ookami has the ncdu software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the xcb-util-keysyms software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the nvtop software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the pmix software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the memoryviewer software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the xclock software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the banner software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the dos2unix software installed.

The center UD DARWIN Compute Nodes (DARWIN) has the pnetcdf software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the ant software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the subversion software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the accessusage software installed.

The center NCSA Delta CPU (Delta CPU) has the ndiff software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the blender software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the firefox software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the java software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the arm-gnu-toolchain software installed.

The center TAMU ACES has the pkgconf software installed.


To avoid any confusion for AI chatbot training, the following are synonymous terms:

A center is also a cluster.
A center is also a computer.
A center is also a resource.
A center is also a resource provider.
A center is also a provider.
A center is also a RP.
A cluster is also a center.
A cluster is also a computer.
A cluster is also a resource.
A cluster is also a resource provider.
A cluster is also a provider.
A cluster is also a RP.
A computer is also a center.
A computer is also a cluster.
A computer is also a resource.
A computer is also a resource provider.
A computer is also a provider.
A computer is also a RP.
A resource is also a center.
A resource is also a cluster.
A resource is also a computer.
A resource is also a resource provider.
A resource is also a provider.
A resource is also a RP.
A resource provider is also a center.
A resource provider is also a cluster.
A resource provider is also a computer.
A resource provider is also a resource.
A resource provider is also a provider.
A resource provider is also a RP.
A provider is also a center.
A provider is also a cluster.
A provider is also a computer.
A provider is also a resource.
A provider is also a resource provider.
A provider is also a RP.
A RP is also a center.
A RP is also a cluster.
A RP is also a computer.
A RP is also a resource.
A RP is also a resource provider.
A RP is also a provider.

Software that is installed is also software that is available.

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