Science Gateways

Science Gateways

Science Gateways are community-provided interfaces to computing resources. This section provides a general gateways overview and describes ACCESS support for science gateways. The section provides links to more detailed information on the ACCESS user portal and external sites.

ACCESS Start-up and Educational allocations require only a one paragraph project description

A Science Gateway is a community-developed set of tools, applications, and data that are integrated via a portal or a suite of applications, usually in a graphical user interface, that is further customized to meet the needs of a specific community. Gateways enable entire communities of users associated with a common discipline to use national resources through a common interface that is configured for optimal use. Researchers can focus on their scientific goals rather than assembling the cyberinfrastructure they require. Gateways can also foster collaborations and the exchange of ideas among researchers.

Using Science Gateways

Gateways are independent projects, each with its own guidelines for access. Most gateways are available for use by anyone, although they usually target a particular research audience. ACCESS Science Gateways are portals to computational and data services and resources across a wide range of science domains for researchers, engineers, educators, and students. Depending on the needs of the communities, a gateway may provide any of the following features:

  • High-performance computation resources

  • Workflow tools

  • User and group management

  • Data management

  • General or domain-specific analytic and visualization software

  • Collaborative interfaces

  • Job submission tools

  • Education modules

Science Gateways simplify access to computing resources by hiding infrastructure complexities

Developing and Integrating Science Gateways

ACCESS supports science gateways in several ways.

  • Most ACCESS service providers support community accounts, which allow gateways to execute scientific applications on ACCESS resources as a generic gateway user.  This eliminates the need for users of a science gateway to create ACCESS accounts.

  • ACCESS directly provides Virtual Machine hosting for science gateways and their related services.

  • ACCESS provides MATCH support services for science gateway support.

See the Gateways Listing  to explore the current ACCESS gateways projects.

How to Turn Your Project into a Science Gateway

  1. Get an ACCESS allocation; Start-up and Educational allocations require only a one paragraph project description. For more information visit the Allocations section of the web site.

  2. Build a portal with guidance from Gateways for Developers and Operators

  3. Set up your developer accounts by Adding users to an existing allocation.

Related Links

Science Gateways Listing

ACCESS Gateways Resources

Science Gateways for PIs

Science Gateways for Developers

Science Gateways Annual Conference

SGCI Website

Contact Information

ACCESS Science Gateways Expert

Science Gateways Community Institute

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