Our Team
Our Team
The ACCESS Allocations team helps researchers request and manage projects on national cyberinfrastructure resources in pursuit of their research, education, and development efforts.
Our allocations support staff assist community members with obtaining the resources they require to carry out their respective endeavors. We also work closely with Resource Providers to ensure they have the proper information to review and support requests for their resources, instruments or services. In order to review requests for substantial amounts of computing, storage, and related resources, the Allocations team maintains a merit review panel from members of the science and engineering community.
Our DevOps team builds and maintains our web infrastructure; databases for user identities and resource accounting; and most importantly the eXtensible Resource Allocation Service (XRAS) software suite used within ACCESS and several national labs. We are also developing a set of Innovative Pilots to offer transformative ways for researchers to utilize ACCESS ecosystem resources.
Our team is committed to continuously improving upon our products and services. If you have recommendations for how we can improve, or how we can further democratize access to our nation’s cyberinfrastructure resources, contact us through our feedback form.
Team Members
Our team is geographically spread across three sites: National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC).
Agbeli Ameko (NCAR)
Asim Regmi (PSC)
Bing Zhang (NCSA)
Brandon Pusateri (PSC)
Burt Cubbison (PSC)
Camille Goudeseune (NCSA)
Chris Keeley (NCSA)
David Hart (NCAR)
David Skiles (NCSA)
Holly Klinesmith (PSC)
Jillian Lehosky (PSC)
Ken Hackworth (PSC)
Kyle Davis (NCAR)
Laura Herriott (NCSA)
Liz Pantalone (PSC)
Luis Metzgar (NCAR)
Matt Yoder (PSC)
Michael Shapiro (NCSA)
Nathan Tolbert (NCSA)
Rebecca Eveland (NCSA)
Rob Light (PSC)
Shira Feldman (NCAR)
Stephen Deems (PSC)
Steven Peckins (NCSA)
Our Partners
The ACCESS Allocations Service has partnered with the following organizations to help innovate the future allocations marketplace in a cyberinfrastructure ecosystem for researchers, resources, and services. If you or your institution are interested in working with us, please see our Get Involved page.
Alabama A&M University
Carnegie Mellon University
Harvard Business School
Indiana University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Navajo Technical University
National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
Northwestern University
San Diego Supercomputing Center
Texas Advanced Computing Center
The University of New Mexico
University of California, San Diego
University of Colorado
University of Delaware
University of Illinois
University of Pittsburgh
University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
University of Wisconsin-Madison