RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart
Shelley Knuth(v), Dave HudakCONECT:
Tim Boerner(v), Leslie FroeschlMMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White
OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande,
Ron Payne,Lavanya Podila,NSF: Tom Gulbransen (NSF)
Guest Speaker:
Lisa Kaczmarczyk for external evaluation of ACO
(v) indicates a voting member
External Evaluator Responsibilities @Lisa Kaczmarczyk (10 minutes)
a. Evaluator of the ACO, Lisa will reach out at the end of the calendar year and early spring (end of year 1 for ACCESS) regarding feedback
Approval of summaries from prior EC meetings John Towns (5 min)
13 September 2022 Interim EC Summary (approved)
Informational Items (10 mins)
RAMPS Stephen Deems
Notifications regarding proposal outcomes from August XRAC meeting were sent successfully. Working with groups who were denied to resubmit/re-align.
Yesterday’s “Welcome to ACCESS!” email took down for a few minutes
Over 14,000 hits came in; may not be purely related to # of HTTP requests
Development team suspects this was due to Microsoft Office 365 checking links for phishing attacks. No immediate action required. Will investigate when a future communication goes out. Thanks for Dina/Megan for the help with message.
MATCH Shelley Knuth
CONECT Tim Boerner
Finalizing a graphic for the STEP (student training program). Have decided to remove the word CONECT from the graphic to avoid confusion.
MMS Tom Furlani
OpenCI John Towns
I, along with TomF and Stephen, will be presenting to Campus Champions in the hour following this meeting.
4. Slack Communications with the community Shelley Knuth (5 mins)
a. Discussion regarding purpose of each slack channel
b. @ShawnStrande to draft a version stating the definition, function and purpose of each slack channel, to be reviewed by Tim Boerner and then present to the EC
5. EAB Charter Discussions @ShawnStrande (10 mins)
6. Metrics/Tracking mechanisms Tom Gulbransen (10 mins)
a. Types of tracking which are not already a part of the established processes? For example, user support tracking
b. To be discussed, 2 weeks from today, (EC Meeting 4th October 2022)
7. Time permitting: EC Backlog Review: Update priority/items for next EC meeting John Towns
Next EC Meeting: 27 September 2022