2024-June Quarterly Meeting Notes and To Do Items - Infrastructure Portfolio Expansion Session


To Do/Follow up Items - these are not really tasks but ideas that need given to the team that is creating the badges

Suggestion from Dave Hart: Could we also include “Mentors” - Badge could have a person to help with badges and get input on refining process.

  • this could help with the comment “ACCESS is a faceless organization”.  Concierge is not going away - we could make them more visible.

Dave H - how many badges are we thinking?  At some point it becomes too many and we end up in the same place we are now.. Possibly indicate badges with tiers?  Support - Bronze, Silver, and Gold - possibly a better way to filter through.

  • We need everyone to help define badges so we don’t fall into same trap

Joe W - we will get good info on what badges people claim most - and show what ones are not taken (even when we think they should be)

Dave H - How are we going to track the success of Badges?

  • How many look at info for getting a badge

  • How many get a badge

  • Survey to see how many new RPs used the badge system to choose ACCESS

  • How long does it take to get thru a level to get a badge

  • Dave Wheeler - yearly evaluation of whether they still are doing the work related to the badge they got

Design suggestions

  1. Link roadmap, badge, and/or tasks to real people that RPs can work with

  2. Track badge transition dates (metric) and progress

  3. Periodic badge status review