RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart
MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v)
Tim Boerner(v), Leslie FroeschlMMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White
OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande, Ron Payne, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk
Tom GulbransenGuest Speaker: Alex Withers, Jim Basney
(v) indicates a voting member
Working Group Updates (10 mins)
Identity and Access Management Working Group Alex Withers Jim Basney
Transition from Duo to Cirrus Identity
Single Sign On
Other WG activities: User Registration, API Access, IAM Policies Approval of summaries from prior EC meetings
For more information on IAM WG, please see link
Cost and technical factors were the decisive factors, discussion regarding user experience being a key factor that needs to be evaluated.
Alex to reach out to Julie Ma from MATCH to analyze potential user support issues,
Timeline - Start work with Cirrus on March 1st and have 3 month overlap with DUO, September is when they have to renew DUO licenses, so the goal is to complete before that.
Variance in prices between DUO and Cirrus is 40K vs 19K per year
Approval of summaries from prior EC meetings John Towns (5 mins)
24 January 2023 EC Summary (approved)
Enhance ACO Communications John Towns (15 mins)
Bi-weekly meeting with the ACO (at least John, Shawn, Jay, Dina and Lizanne) and the awardees?
EC has agreed for bi-weekly meetings with the awardees
ACO will start scheduling 1 hour meetings with the awardees
ACO can send a representative to some of the in-person meetings that the awardees have?
EC has agreed for an ACO member to attend some of their team meetings
Frequency - Perhaps once a month
ACCESS all program meeting, in-person or virtual?
EC agrees to the benefits of in person meetings
Cost is a concern
ACO to come up with a specific plan for program wide interactions
EAB meeting agenda planning Shawn Strande (5 mins)
Informational Items (10 mins)
RAMPS Stephen Deems
No major updates
MATCH Shelley Knuth
CONECT Tim Boerner
No major updates
MMS Tom Furlani
No major updates
OpenCI John Towns
Misc Topics
Reference: EC Backlog & Action Items
Next EC Meeting: 7 February 2023